
Will he she be able to love prolonged ? Could hospice help & if so how ?

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My mom is 72.
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Is Mom 46 or ur 46?
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To add to AlvaDeer's comments, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a two stage disease caused by chronic alcohol abuse or severe dietary deficiency. If your mother's condition wasn't caught until late stage (Korsakoff), it's unlikely that the B1 IV treatment could work. Her not wanting to eat doesn't bode well for her and may have been the cause of the disease initially by minimizing B1 intake. Sadly, some people purposely choose to end their life this way. At only 46 y/o, I hope she can recover.

Like with any of the dementia related diseases, it's hard to determine the patients life span. Your mom may require long term care. At this stage I doubt if she would qualify for hospice, but you can ask her doctor or hospital staff. To get detailed info about hospice services, Google “hospice”.
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From what we are seeing this seems have progressed or I should say caught late stage. Thiamine has been given via Iv & takes supplements she refuses and has refeeding syndrome refuses all food. That’s why I’m asking I guess anyway thanks for you help take care.
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With Weinicke-Korsakoff, a deficiency in thiamine, there can be some help if the syndrome is found almost at once. It is otherwise a progressive disease but is in no wise an end of life situation. Hospice is for those who are expected to die of their disease, whatever it may be, within a six month period. Unless your doctor has indicated that this is the case, hospice is not indicated. Certainly, dependent on severity of symptoms, placement may be, or may not be. It all depends upon the symptom manifested by the patient.
Do go to whatever search engine you use. There is very good information on this syndrome online. I surely do wish you the best as you learn about this syndrome, its cause, treatment and prognosis. I hope you will keep us updated on how your Mom is doing.
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