Nope, nope nope. An actual WEAPON has been drawn on you and she attempted to HARM you. Whether she meant to or realized what she was doing is moot. This is the point where SHE is a danger - to herself and to you. Keep that in mind - it's not just you that is in danger - she's also at risk.

I agree with everyone else - THIS is the time to act. Call 911 and tell them you wan t her transported and held for a 72-hour psychiatric hold because she attempted to harm you and potentially herself - because if she will pull a knife on you once- don't think for a minute that she won't do it again.

I will never forget my almost 90 year old FIL - (he was an abusive man - just to level set) was wheelchair bound - and unable to even lift himself out of that chair without lift assist straps or a hoyer lift. But something upset him and he pulled his fist back and tried to punch my DH in the fact. He swung so hard and put so much of his (considerable) weight in to that punch that he almost launched himself out of his wheelchair. He intended to harm my DH. There was no doubt.

My reaction probably wasn't the best because I was so shocked- because I barked out his name like you would a little kid and asked him what the "H" he thought he was doing. He tried to cover it up and say he wasn't really going to hit him - but we all knew that was a lie.

From that time forward - whenever we visited him - DH kept a nice distance between them - and it wasn't too much longer after that when they started having to give him medication to keep him calm.

Here is the thing - when someone has dementia they are unpredictable. You can't possibly know what they are thinking or even why. She might have pulled a knife because she is suddenly afraid of you - and if that is the case- this won't be the last time something like this happens.

She needs a full assessment and potentially medication to keep her calm. But you can't ignore this because there is a great chance it will escalate.
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Reply to BlueEyedGirl94

911 and have them take her to the ER for an evaluation .
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Reply to KNance72

Call 911, and request an ambulance along with police. Protect yourself first.
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Reply to Kimberlc

Call APS and tell them your afraid for your life that you can no longer care for Mom. Let the State become guardian. If Mom endes up in the hospital, refuse to bring herbhome. Again let thenstate take over her care.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

UNACCEPTABLE! When you called 911 you should have requested the 72 hour psych hold called the Baker Act. You would have then followed the ambulance to the hospital and immediatly asked to speak to the social worker to get the process moving. I beleive every state has this law. Those officers should be required to get her to the hospital, even if against her wishes. The police had poor judgement. You can also go to the police department and speak to the manager to file a complaint. Your life can be in danger. Do not wait till Monday. Get her to the ER. My cousin was the victim of a murder suicide in 1997 because of violent behavior due to dementia. At least hide all knives and weapons in the house
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to MACinCT

EMS for immediate transport to hospital. Also APS (Adult Protective Services or police if required to get her transported to hospital. There you will need to ask the personnel to have Social Services contact you as she cannot return to your home for her own and your safety. THEN LEAVE and await phone calls from Social Services. This will insure she is admitted and not returned to the home.

Your Mom may require state guardianship dependent on what you now have set in place or do NOT have set in place.

I would suggest YOU do not become guardian as a Social Worker may try to convince you to do that.

You didn't cause this and can't fix it. Time for those who have the power to make changes take over the care of your poor mom.

If anyone attempts to transport your mother home to her own home (if she lives alone) tell them you will report them to the Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation (JCAHO) and then look them up online if she is transported and DO REPORT them for "unsafe discharge of an elder who has dementia and is at risk".

I hope you will update us.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Jogrant Jun 15, 2024
I did call the police. All they did was take pictures and called someone to talk to me but I can’t get help u til Monday . I was told to stay away from her. It’s hard because she lives with me. I thought they would take her somewhere.I was told to hide a the knives. So I’m locked in my room trying to figure out what to do or who to call. It just seems like they don’t want to help me because I don’t have the money to pay. I have been dealing with this for 4 years. It’s at the point where I need help. And I don’t know how to get help.
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