Mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's 2012 and after seeing a specialist in 2014 it was changed to MSA. Her doctor and I had been trying to get her to move in with me (in another state) so she could get the home care she needed. Well the first part of this December she finally decided to move. I've able to get her meds going (including insulin) and she's eating now. I'm really concerned cuz since I got her here she's become a lot weaker and sleeps 18+ hours. Did I do the wrong thing? She wasn't getting care and attention from my sister that lived with her and was left alone a lot even after her doc there said not to. Is this a sign that she's gonna slip away from me sooner than I expected? Thank you in advance for any replies. God bless!
Thank you very much for your response. Mom did sleep a lot prior to the move here but not as much as now. It makes sense that the mive took a lot out of her. I'm just super worried because I don't want to do anything wrong. I moved her here with me so that when she's called home to heaven she'll be able to go in peace knowing thast she's very loved and is b wing actually cared for.