
My mother (age 54) was met with a motorcycle accident from which she had bilateral frontal lobe contusions with SAH. She had undergone surgery for contusion drainage due to midline shift. She's clinically stable now. But always agitated and aggressive with severe cognitive and behavioural changes. We have been managing her at home following discharge. She's not eating and spits out everything we give her. She also has continence issues. Need advice managing my mother. We don't have more rehab centres near our area.

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She needs to be followed by a good neuro MD. This may or may not be fixable. I hope there is a POA so that information can be shared with that person.
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My first thought was TBI rehab, but if there aren't any, you may have to search for private TBI support.   Your profile doesn't indicate city or state location, so it's impossible to see what else might be available.

Decades ago, one of my cousin's daughters worked for such an institution.    Do some online search to determine if there are any close to or beyond your area.  

Have you discussed this with the surgeon?   I hate to suggest consideration of an in-facility placement out of your area, but at such a young age, I think that it might be necessary to consider options that might not be as close now, but could provide benefits later.  

I really think this is an issue for a medical person, not a forum.  That's not a criticism, but TBI is so complex, and you need medical people with that level of knowledge.

One option is to locate the closest VA facility, not b/c I'm assuming your mother is a Veteran, but because TBI is a condition which the VA addresses at (I think) a much higher level than a general hospital.   I'm assuming that some of the VA physicians are privatized and might be available for help for those who aren't Veterans.
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lealonnie1 May 2021
Using the spelling of "centres" and "behavioural" leads me to believe the OP is in the UK rather than the US
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