
She cannot live with me. I need help. Right now she lives alone with hospice coming in and me making frequent trips across town daily (many times more than once a day). She is getting to the point she can’t correctly work her cell phone. She wants to go to a nursing home, but we cannot get her in one without Medicaid approval.

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You are saying more or less that you ‘can’t get her placed in a facility’ because ‘Medicaid will not approve’. What you should be saying is that ‘Medicaid will not PAY’. Private pay is always available.

Liens come in a range of forms. Usually they don’t stop the sale of a property, they just say ‘my take on the sale proceeds comes first’. They will kick in whenever the property is sold, it’s just that you thought that your M had a ‘right’ to live there indefinitely, and 'indefinitely' sounds a bit like 'never'. In some cases, people or agencies with a lien will ‘do a deal’ if the property can be sold earlier and they can get their money (or part of it) quicker.

If you stop working from the basis that nothing is OK unless you can get as much as possible for free, you may have more options that would work for you. The cost of care means that many many adult children are finding that their expected inheritance just disappears.
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How exactly are the liens affecting your mom’s eligibility?
This is about the Medicaid program for facilities, right? Not Medicaid as health insurance or a community based Medicaid program.

Did mom or you actually at some point in time file an LTC Medicaid application for your mom and she was deemed ineligible? If so, what did Louisiana determine her ineligibility was due to? LTC Medicaid is the program that pays for custodial care costs, like room&board, in a NH.
is it that mom has all sorts of liens (or perhaps judgements?) placed on her home to the point that she / you feel it cannot be sold? And that is why you think she is ineligible?
is the issue that mom gifted assets to others within last 5 years and it’s comes to abt 200K so you feel her filing for LTC Medicaid would be a waste of time as huge transfer penalty due to gifting.

Ineligibility can be dealt with. But the reasons for ineligibility matters as to how to possibly approach this.
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California has Board and Care, also called RCFE. (RESIDENTIAL CARE for THE ELDERLY). Hospice can continue the same care in a RCFE.
My sister's costume $3000.00 per month.
Pprivate Pay
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I can see why they won't approve her. If Mom has a house, if not sold before her death, it will need to be sold after her death to satisfy all the liens. And some liens, like property taxes, are satisfied before Medicaid recovery liens.

Check out board and cares. They may just require her SS and any pension she may have. Ask the hospice nurse if she knows of any.
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