
Hello, my grandma is 77 and lives at home. She has been in and out of the hospital, hospice and rehab the past year with strokes. Due to her strokes she is not able to walk or use her left hand anymore. Earlier today, she was sleeping but when I tried to wake her up she wouldn't. She was still breathing so I called 911 to take her to the hospital but as soon as she got on the gurney, she woke up. What could this be? Another stroke?

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It can also be a heart issue. My grandmother lived a short time with my parents and would be hard to rouse. A vacuum cleaner (a loud one) could go off next to her and she wouldn't even twitch. She had some heart issues.

Have her dr check her out, to be on the safe side.
Helpful Answer (1)
Gmfair98 Jul 2021
Thank you!
Your grandma must no longer be under hospice care huh, if you called 911 on your grandma? Did you have the EMT's take your grandma to the hospital to try and get to the bottom of why she didn't wake up, and what did you find out?
You don't give us much to go on, but perhaps it's time to get grandma back under hospice care. That way if this happens again, you can just call them and they will send a nurse out to check her. I wish you and your grandma well.
Helpful Answer (1)
Gmfair98 Jul 2021
The EMTs checked her vitals and they all checked out fine and since my grandma had woken up when she was put on the gurney she refused to go to the hospital. She is no longer on hospice because my mother is a nurse so when anything happens my mother goes over there. Somedays my grandma seems fine and then others she can’t remember things very well. Its all confusing to me as i know she has had many strokes and that can cause memory damage but i dont see why it would be off and on and then this situation happened which hasnt happened before.
Episodes of unresponsiveness and/or fainting *syncope* can be present with dementia which you say your grandmother suffers from in your profile. What did the EMTs have to say when they examined her?

Syncope can also occur due to medications, so you may want to discuss the matter with her doctor. It's not out of the question that she's having TIAs or small strokes as well, given her history.

Wishing you the best of luck with a tough situation.
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