
My mom is 82 yrs old and has Stage 6 Alzheimer's. She still ambulates with a walker and can carry on a conversation. She has gotten to where she obsesses 24/7 about food. She could eat all of the time. It is out of control. She is on multiple meds that can cause an increase in appetite but I know this is also part of Alzheimer's. She lives at home and will go into the kitchen and start raiding the refrigerator and cabinets. Does anyone know of a medication that might help with this obsession? She has Dementia/Alzheimer's for many years. Thank you

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Oh, she is likely forgetting that she has already had a snack, so continuing to have them makes sense. I think it's a matter of preventing it. It could make her sick and may overload her digestive system.
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I might discuss her food obsession with her doctor. Is she overweight? I'd ask them to review her meds. And, ask about an anti-anxiety med. Is she anxious or obsessive with other things? There are meds that treat OCD, but, all meds have potential side effects. I'd explore if it's appropriate.

I might also explore if just providing her with something nutritious at all times, would keep her content. Just have a couple of handy bowls for her to grab that have things like jello, soft veggies, peaches, etc. And try to get her something to keep her occupied. I know this can be difficult with someone in Stage Six, but if she could be redirected from the kitchen to the den with her favorite music. For example, mom, you've had two snacks already, come with me to the den and listen to some great songs. And then lead her along.
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