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Be very careful that they don't try to yank the POA away from you. Like they come to visit and take mom for a ride and while they are out there, they get her to sign a new POA.
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Brandywine is right. Happened to me. Sister got POA, had mother file a lawsuit against me, then emptied her bank accounts, sold her car and put her in assisted living. Fun times. :(
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Oh my goodness LivingSouth! You are me! I have lived with Mom for last 5-6 years. I also got POA when I needed to take care of Mom's affairs financially and health wise. I am oldest of 5 & you would think I was out to rip poor Mom off of her very meager funds. I go POA because I too am bullied even as the oldest and the fact that either they don't call or come see Mom more than what they feel to be obligatory or even that! Mom often asks where is everyone? I lie and say they called etc. I think she knows because she is no dummy. I too worried about her being kidnapped but since she has been bedridden most of last couple years and there are many steps out of house, I worried less. I am with her 24/7. I get about 4-5 hours every other week out of house due to kindness of a niece. Bless her. I think you may need to talk to an elder attorney as soon as possible or continue to be bullied till they seize control. This is sad situation to be in and sadly very common. I write this as I sit alone in hospital room with my Mom. Taking care of a parent in old age who has many care needs is enough stress!!! When our siblings are selfish enough to add to our stress is beyond bullying! It tears at every fiber. My insides shake at every moment. I had a choice today of surgery or hospice. I chose surgery for my mom. I am already being told that I should not put her through surgery. Told by those who think they know better than me. I have been with her day and night and yet they know better. They would have put her in a home and never visit. Stop being bullied by those who have made no sacrifice at all. Talk to elder attorney & get some advice. It will bring you the peace and added strength to continue to focus on parent's care.
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I agree - the person who is with them the most knows what the situation is. I can't help but wonder WHY they are so concerned all of a sudden, when they usually shrugged it all off. Everyone I know says it is a serious state of denial.
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Oh diamondsis I hear you and God bless you. I am the oldest of four and the other three are in three different states. Not only are they not in touch with our father but I have to beg them to at least call him on his birthday or at Christmas. My husband is at my side and helps me with my dad in the nursing home but it has been a second job taking care of legal, medical, etc, for sure. I was trying to keep them all informed of surgeries or procedures or Doctor appointments, but I got a lot of questions such as 'why did you do that'? My reply was why don't you call and talk to your father? I used to be surprised that they didn't, now I am just disappointed and do the best for my dad.
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