My mother lives with me and my husband. She has vascular dementia. I work out of the home but Mondays I have to be gone so I have a caregiver come in. Tuesday-Sunday Mom sleeps until 10:30 and doesn't get dressed until 4pm. When she isn't eating she is sleeping. On Monday when caregiver comes, she's up and dressed. The report from the caregiver is that she's laughing, conversing...pretty with it. I'm beginning to feel like chopped liver as I devote almost all my time to her needs and have become housebound. It's taking a toll on my marriage. I feel like Mom has me over a barrel. Today, we missed church once again, my husband went alone (week #5). Mom slept. However, my brother called from out of town to talk with her and she was right as rain. What is going on?
Chicago1954, you made me laugh with your comment "and would even turn into the entertainer at a doctor's visit" Oh HOW TRUE!!!
Mine can hardly wait to get in there, in fact before she's even in the office, she's off and away, talking to people in the parking lot, the elevator, the drug store, the waiting room.....and then the show begins. "Oh Dr. X! It's so good to see you! You're as handsome as ever......were you in the emerg this morning? How did that go? Did you have a busy week? and how is your family?" and on, and on, and ON!!
She pays practically no attention to anything that he advises her to do, just smiles and bats her eyes at him, it goes right over her head, in fact by the time she gets home it is a completely different story. Why yesterday she came home from her appt. saying that he wanted her to have a cat scan and had been given a requisition for it. I took a look at the paper and, guess what! It was for a blood test!!
Of course she treated your sisters differently - this is what they do. I imagine you were the scapegoat and she put the others in a completely different light. Were you always the one going without, doing wrong things, being punished?
Thanks for your post. I am glad to hear that my mother is not the only one who turns into Rodney Dangerfield at the doctor's!! (I am not allowed in there with her anymore because I would "out" her - she lies about what she eats, medicine, when she takes it etc. but got caught once on a blood test he did - she was too lazy to take her cholesterol pills -- BUSTED!!!)
Caregivers on this site seem to be caring for at least three distinct populations: 1) Persons with impairments due to some physical condition, such as lung disease, cancer, blindness, etc. 2) Persons with Narcissism and 3) Persons with dementia. I'm not sure whether persons with mental illness such as bipolar disorder should be a 4th group or included with group 2 or 3. My point is just that I don't think there is a one-size-fits all description that covers everyone in one of the groups, let alone everyone in all groups.
I believe that the driving forces behind the behavior of someone with Narcissism are quite different from the forces behind demented behavior.
If my mother wants sympathy from her friend, when the friend calls, she will answer with a horrible croaky voice "Oh hello Betty, I just don't know what's wrong with me today, my throat is just awful" which suddenly disappears after about at minute. Then it's on to the next phone call to the government health agency with a voice that is totally authoritative and demanding.
They can wangle doctors, health care workers, people at the bank, grocery etc. into getting whatever they want. I have seen them butting into lines at the grocery, shortchanging people at the register and always trying to get something for nothing.
I hate to say this but older people who behave in this manner really make me dislike them -- a LOT!!!
She is treating you this way because she WANTS to. Isn't it amazing how they pop back to life when someone comes in to see them? That's because it's someone they want to impress. You will find that they have a different "telephone" voice with others than in normal life. Mine is concerned with her image of herself and must do the right thing at all times, for example, make sure she writes thank you cards immediately, returns phone calls, etc. and her house always had to look perfect. This is because they want others to have that perception of themselves.
But because you and I are their caregivers they feel that they can let down their guard because we see them every day and they feel that we "don't matter" to them. If she is holding any perceived "slights" against you, you will be on her hit list and nothing you will do will ever be right by her. You could bend over backwards catering to her every need but there will always be something wrong with what you do.
I bought mine a beautiful new nightgown for her birthday and it was opened and thrown back in my lap with "is there something wrong with your head? you know I only wear pajamas" !!!
Also I hate to harp on it but if you check out the threads on narcissism, you will see how they use triangulation (separating their relationship with you from their relationship with your sibling(s) ) and see that you are the scapegoat or whipping boy and your sibling is the golden boy. She would NEVER put herself in a bad light in front of HIM, because she wants him to think that she's the paragon of motherhood!! Plus she probably tells him all your business, and in conversations with him finds out all his, but she will never share any information about him with you - because she could be blamed for that if he didn't like it.
You have just summed up my life!!
Try to do as I do, find a few things that give you a little joy every day, do little things for you, get out as often as you can - and - most important - realize that you will never be important to her, as harsh as that sounds, and as hard as you are working. It is a thankless job for which you will never be appreciated.
I'm very sorry, but this is the reality. It will not go on forever and I wish you all the luck and blessings in the world, for you are trying to do the right thing and be a good person. I know you are . Hugs!!
I like Jeanne's suggestions, if you have more days of the week that an event happens - like the caregiver coming - where she has to pull herself together that might be good for her and make things easier on you.
It is hard to feel flattered, though, isn't it, when you'd appreciate her trying a little harder for you!
Could that caregiver come in several mornings a week, perhaps through the lunch hour? That would give you some mornings to work uninterrupted. I had a PCA come in at 9:30. It was so nice to get some work done (I worked from home, too) and to have him all dressed and ready for breakfast (which she cooked) before he greeted him in the morning!
If attending church with your husband is important to you, maybe getting a caregiver for that time, and maybe even for a time for you and hubby to go out afterwards for brunch, would be a good investment. You need to protect your marriage and recharge your own batteries, too.
Also you can try enforcing some rules. On Sundays Mom must be up by a certain time, so you can have her ready to go to church with you. The other days she can sleep until 10:30 if she wants to, but not Sundays. Not too many rules, and nothing complicated, but a few simple rules shouldn't be impossible to enforce.
Look up "showtiming" in dementia. Many persons with dementia can put on a good act for a limited period of time. It is not a change in personality, but a case of putting their best foot forward. Most past an early to moderate stage can no longer bring this off, but before that many are even able to fool doctors.