
We've been waiting over a year for a court date. My aunt had POA and FALSLY put her name, as payer, of the home my grandmother bought. She passed away(2years ago), then we found out what she'd done. Her husband now "owns" grandma's home thru a "living will" that was unbeknownst to my grandma. Grandma has willed the home to me (her grandson) for being her caregiver for 6+ years and counting. We've been waiting on a court date for over a year now and afraid something will happen before we ever get to court. Lots of prayer is all we've got at the moment, so ideas of anythingelse we can do would be MUCH Appreciated. Thanx, Chris

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I see I misspoke earlier too. I apologize. The neighbor offered my Gma to BUY the deed from him at full value. In other words, he was wanting her to pay for the home AGAIN. Ughh, it's just awful for anyone to treat an elderly person this way. My Gma reffered to him as "son" for almost 40 years, then this.
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ThankYouVeryMuch for the replies. I am all my Gma has, I'm with her 23 hours a day with NO help. I decided to sacrifice my livelyhood for her over 6 years ago because my aunt had moved her in nextdoor to her, then did NOT take care of her. When I seen this (only visiting 2x per month while being NextDoor) I dropped everything and everyone and moved in, from out of state. As I said earlier, she can Not sell her home, she doesn't own it, the neighbor does(according to the False DEED). We've tried temporary AsisstedLiving before and I told'er I'd NEVER allow that to happen again. Bad Experience. So, I've committed myself to her, as she did for me when I needed her, as a young child. I found out, in the first year, that me getting a job was completely out of the question. All I know to do is continue to wait for a trial, with a jury of her peers, so justice can be served. IF I had, any, help things would be different, but she feels that "I" am all she needs. So, I'll motor on, as I have. I'll be 44 this year, so I've got more years in me to continue(she'll be 81). Thankfully, I've found my way back to the Lord, so I'll continue to pray for His asisstance. This is the best I can do...ThanxAgain for your thoughts, Chris
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Knowing this, you should find a job and put money away to support yourself when the time comes. You save yourself FIRST, because no one can do this for you. If Grandma needs a nursing home, the money she received from the sale of the home should help pay for it, along with her SS check.
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The deed says my aunt paid for the home and had my grandma put on deed as a living will recipient. Which means she can live here, pay taxes and maintainance until she passes, then home belongs to her X son-in-law. So, I'll be put out into the streets because I don't have any income and she can not leave me the home. Thanx Again, Chris
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Grandma is not on medicaid and she wrote a check, which was most of her savings, for full amount of the home. I have all the documents of her taking money from her own account to pay for the home. My aunt was supposed to, as her POA, do all the transactions to buy the home, for her. BTW the home was next door to my aunt and now she's got to see him(X-son-in-law) everyday, with his new wife. He even had the gall to offer her to buy the home from him for FULL value(Unbelievable). We can't even sell to get away from him. Also, this was her 2nd daughter, last one, to pass away, so it's been very hard on her. TYVM for your reply :)
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What do you mean, "as payer"? Was she paying the mortgage? If you have a court date, nothing can be done. If she was on Medicaid, that would further complicate the issue, as Medicaid would also be seeking title to the property. Was she on Medicaid?
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