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Arizona Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Nothing quite like asking for advice on a forum. You can get good advice and easily get misleading advice that costs you...Google and vet all advice.
--- from Google:
What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Arizona?

What Medicaid Waiver Programs are in Arizona? Arizona has one 1115 waiver, The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. Arizona does not have a 1915 Home and Community Based Services Waiver.

What state department manages the Medicaid waiver program for aging adults in Arizona? The Arizona Division of Aging And Adult Services (DAAS) supports at-risk elderly Arizonans to meet their basic needs and to live safely, with dignity and independence.

What programs assist older adults in Arizona? The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System assists eligible senior citizens who need long term care. The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is a section 1115 Demonstration Waiver.

What is the best number to call to get started? To learn more about services for elderly persons, call your local area Agency on Aging (AAA).

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Lolli47 do keep in mind that people like my husband and myself have worked hard since we were teenagers paying into the system and not called upon the government for help. We have saved our money and lived frugally. We are NOT trying to take money away from others. I know lots of people who live on welfare/Medicaid and never contribute a penny so while I appreciate your thoughts on the subject perhaps you can keep in mind that just because we are trying to protect our home/savings etc we are not trying to cheat anyone.
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Uncle Dave, you need a trophy for your great helpful answers. Excellent!
And Brit38, you are so right! Yes, I felt the same way about applying for Medicaid for my husband. We were married for 57 years before we got the divorce to qualify him for Mediciad. We too have worked hard, got our IRA's and saved as best we could over the years. We've paid in for 60 years!
I don't feel the least bit guilty for using any loophole available to have him taken care of in a decent facility.
Bless you...I so agree!
Helpful Answer (2)

It is called the Division of Assets.Do it as soon as possible.Good Luck....Maybe you can find it on the internet.
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It so makes me sick that even going to an elder care lawyer...if one spouse is diagnosed with AZ or dementia, the "solution" starts with a divorce. How mad/crazy is our system? Good luck in your quest.
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It took a year with the help of Kathy Nealon attorney to get application approved and my work continues identifying beneficiary issues that can arise upon my deat
Getting coverage has been a life changing benefit

Birth Certificates for each of you;

Social Security Cards for each of you,

Copies of all health insurance cards (front and back) for each of you;

Premium bills for all ;

Three years of ALL bank or financial statements.

If any accounts have been closed in the past 3 years,

six months of statements leading up to the closing of the account
as well as the last statement showing a zero balance.

Checking account statements should include copies of processed checks. Please continue to provide current bank statements as they become available. Please note that the Caseworker at Medicaide may request statements going back further than two years;

All life insurance policy information including verification of current cash surrender value;

All information regarding any pre-paid burial contracts/plots;

Stock, annuity, bond or any other investment information.
provide current account statements as they become available;

Verification of income including burial contracts/plots;.

Vehicle information: title or registration for the two cars;

Two years of most recent tax returns.
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Internet contacts will ask: Why do / should I choose to join groups ?

"You don't ask - you don't get ~ help" . There are groups of knowledgeable people in the vast world of the Internet. Identify the group and ask questions and they will help you. And I can enjoy sharing information with them.

I agree with Writer Jane Ayres: "If I'm not learning, I'm not living."

I am retired and have the fun of creating;
"Mainzone Knowledge Networks"
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