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This is interesting to me because the same thing is happening to my Mom. UTI then Dementia which the hospital doctor said is common. I would guess that it is a reacurring UTI that your Dad has. Better get him back to the Doctor for a urinalisis to be sure. Hope this helps, it's hard when there are no other symptoms.
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In taking care of my dad(89) for the last 2 years or so, I have noticed a decline in his cognitive abilities after every time he is hospitalized. After an 8 day hospitalization in October 2014 for a UTI and other issues, he was no longer able to be in charge of his checkbook and medication. He stopped reading the sports section of the newspaper for a few months, but has gone back to that recently From my experience I would say that 2 weeks is too short a time to see any improvement. My dad's age related decline is greatly affected by the medical issues he is dealing with. I have had to learn to cope with each successive loss of function.
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Is it possible that the uti and dementia are simply coincidental? I've often wondered if my dads dementia is related to surgery and anesthesia a few years ago, but I'm just guessing. In any event his dementia is getting worse and I suspect your father will also go downhill. Be prepared for it.
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Have him rechecked for recurrent UTI. Make appt with dr for full medical and mental evaluation. Write dr in advance and share your observations and concerns regarding dads behavior and possible impairment. That way dr will,have some background.
It could be another UTI, meds interaction or something else. Regardless, knowing the truth will help you and dad prepare for next steps.
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