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this is a political issue also.
In Australia, the government doesnt provide enough beds and
staff for aged care needs. In the newspaper this week hey said the government
had pulled 3billion out of aged care funding.
Do you have what they call respite care for carers in your area, the social workers
here, the government Acat socoal workers can give you a form that grants you
so many weeks respite care.

The hospitals in general in Australia, are underfunded, and they are often hard
pressed to actually have one bed available. So when you arrive at the hospital
with a chronically, ongoing aged person needing looking after, they will do
their best to turn you away and turn you into the caregiver, plus nurse
at home.

I had this talk with my Dad today, I said "Dad, we have to ring assisted housing,
and get your name put on their waiting list for a unit for you". You've got to plan ahead". If your name comes up in 3years, and you are still managing at home, they just put your name further down the list" until you may actually need it."
The point is that once your name is on their list, it is never taken off."
Dad has some early cognitive problems.

Dad doesnt think he needs to do this, he says I will just call you. Hes quite prepared to put all the worry on me, which I dont intend to do to my own children.
I said Dad, " I will have to take you to the hospital, and they might put you in
a place with a bad reputation, because that's, the only ones they have readily available.". He said, "I dont give a buggar as long as they feed me?"

So he is ignoring his own responsibility to help me do this, selfishly just not
wanting to be bothered with it. I didnt say to him,but if I do have to take him to the hospital,
regardless of whether they admit him. I will be leaving him there. Because the one thing I refuse to be coerced into is living with him and being made to provide nursing care.
I do non live in carer things for him, which I have done for the past 15years,
but I will not live with him, he drives me crazy after a day out with him.
And I dont mean that lightly.

So it will be a standoff between me and the hospital if he needs any longterm nursing or around the clock care. They can put me in prison, but I know my wellbeing
and mental health would go downhill very quickly, So, they will come up against one determined person. Im all so fighting Dad because he would be more than happy for me to spend the last decade of my life running after his every need.
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TooYoungForThis nailed it.
Acute hospitals often dump patients into NH's or rehabs, to open up beds...they will write transfer orders with entirely wrong orders, just to get the patient transferred....prescribe all oral meds, self-transfers and other orders for patients who are bed-bound and cannot swallow, who actually still need acute hospital care. Instances like that, killed Grandma prematurely.
Too often, I've accompanied patients to various E.R.'s, only to be faced with ER Docs who refuse to listen to reports of the actual condition of the patient; those Docs assume conditions based on exterior appearance, order wrong X-rays, wrong lab tests, wrong everything, then bustle the patient upstairs to admit.
Social Workers will tell people there are "no rehab beds" for all kinds of reasons, some are not true, others are. It's very like store employees telling consumers "that item is no longer made", when the item really is still made, but that store no longer carries it...they want you to buy what they Do carry, instead.
The broken systems health care workers must contend with, are madness.
If someone has care levels that require too complex care, they will refuse the patient. If insurance dislikes the diagnosis codes, the facility can refuse the patient.
If the patient has mental issues, the facility will refuse, but give other excuses why.
If the patient has alcohol use problems, facilities will refuse.
If the facility lacks staff, they can refuse admits.
If someone blows against the wind on the wrong Tuesday in the 13th month, facilities can refuse to accept the person.
So do PCPs and acute play "hot-potato" with elders all the time.
Docs, nursing staff, ward clerks, etc. can all make charting errors that can block getting proper care and coverage! Unfortunately, most folks do not know about that, assume those are always accurate....but medical personnel are humans, and make human errors.
NH's that increase the level of acuity of care they can offer, seldom staff to properly cover that [like one NH I worked, where they upped-their acuity rating, to allow IV's, for instance, but kept same level of staff].
It might help to go up the chain of command at a facility you want her admitted to, to learn why they refused admission, instead of being stymied by the Acute Hospital Social Worker, who might be having a bad day, or might not have proper data to make a decision with.
Be persistent asking questions to gain clarity; it might disclose inaccurate charting, inaccurate diagnosis and billing codes, etc., poor communications, which might be easily cleared up in the process.
I hope you can find out why care has been denied, and can get that resolved!
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Chi mongerreading your poatmakes me glad I refused to go to rehab. At the time i knew I was far too ill to e able to tolerate the level of self sufficiency and activities that would be expected of me so I just went home and spent my time in my night gown till I was strong enough to start doing what I was able. I did not realize I was being "dumped" For the record I was re-admitted to a different hospital three days later and rehab was never mentionedd again.
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It is in the best interests, financially, to have her moved to rehab, since rehab will pay a referral fee to the hospital.
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Your choices may be limited, You may not know, but rehabs,skilled nursing,etc pay a referral fee to hospitals as gratitude for getting a new customer. Depending on how much they pay, it may take more than 2 weeks to recoup their costs, plus make a profit as well.
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You can contact your local ombudsman and request their assistance. Explain the situation and see if they can help. Their role is to be advocates for residents.
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HOspital staff and. Drs. do their best to work within a limited availability
of staff,facilitiesand beds. Faced with anger from hospital management
or doctors when they admit long term difficult patients, like alziehmers
or the elderly with frail aged problems who use up too much bedtime and staff
they in the end put up barriers to not acceptl these patients, sending them away
for families to cope with the problems themselves.

It is often not pissible for people to do this lng term without their own mental
and physical health suffering.

But the staff at hospitals are in the end loyal to the will of the hospital managers
as opposed to the patients, because they want to keep their jobs.

So hospitals,nurses and social workers, can come up with a lot of ways
to stonewall patients at the admission desks, in fact they are experts at it.
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Hospitals & rehabs will not get paid for a re-admission for the same problem.

I beg to differ. It may depend on insurance. (Although I would note that she said the NH wouldn't take her mom, not that insurance refused to cover it) Before we learned my husband had a urine retention issue, he had two bouts with toxic encephalopathy (due to his lithium not getting passed out of his system). He was admitted to Hosp & NH after both times.
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I'd speak with someone else at that same place. It's possible, through no fault of her own, that your mom reminds the person, you spoke to, of someone or something, that, fairly or unfairly, rubs them the wrong way.
You're lucky if your mom is easy to get along with. My mother was hateful and spiteful her whole life, only getting along with my dad long enough to have children. Mom getting older, arthitic, and somewhat demented hasn't helped, so it's difficult to find anyone, that can even get her to do the simplist, most effortless exercise, so usually, after 3 or 4 paid visits, with Mom satisfying her need to "feel" in control by not cooperating, even rehab people, who might be unscrupulous enough to get paid for no progress, tell us we are wasting time and money, because they can't do anything with her and, they don't come right out and say it, but it's obvious, that they can't stand the aggravation and frustration of dealing with such a hateful, spiteful, and melancholy person. If she was pleasant, they'd at least be able to make small talk and maybe eventually "get through to her".
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