
I am looking for creative ideas to make care-giving just a little easier

Um any ideas or new products to make caring for urine incontinence beyond just the diapers........

Not to be gross but reality is it's gross if you are the designated cleaner.

Help- any ideas to prevent a minimum daily cleaning up his bathroom UGH and daily +++ wash of clothes.

I am imagining some sort of disposable floor covering products or an "umberlla" for the male spray around the toilet.

That is the first priority but so many other issues I would appreciated any clever creative ideas that help us cope

Weary here......

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I remember someone asking a similar question before and finding this
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Newspapers on the floor by the toilet?
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I don't know of any new products that help. At least he's making it to the bathroom, sometimes they go in the oddest places. Urine seems to be a "thing", I have to clean up after him pretty much every time he goes to the bathroom. Sometimes it's just a little drip others he sprays the ceiling, walls etc as if he was having playtime in there. I drop used white bath towels around the commode and bought a sprayer to clean up the worst incidents. I make sure there is nothing in the bathroom he can urinate/defecate on like rugs, spare towels, hygiene items etc. which makes clean up simpler. If I could afford it I would have a "wet bath" styled bathroom with a drain on the floor and just power wash the whole room several times a day. Still, when he makes it to the bathroom rather than using the wall, a trash can or the cats litterbox I am happy. LOL I'm even happy when he chooses the litter box. I know he's doing his best.
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