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Man, Msdaizy! Your mom and my mom must be related! I have a 95 yr old energizer bunny. It amazes me how the brain works. I can remember a few yrs ago when mom had a terrible fall. (Like your mom she has never broken a bone, and the drs. are amazed...must have been her cow Bessies milk!!) Mom was in severe pain after her fall. She was bruised terribly, and just getting her in and out of her chair to her bed was a major ordeal. She would squeal in pain. Yet, one night I heard noises so I ran downstairs to check on mom. Mind you, we have 7 steps, a landing, then another 7 steps that separate us. Mom was already up to the first landing talking to me in her sleep!!! I had to very calmly lead her back down the stairs without scaring her then got her back to bed. How in the world are they able to get up and sleep walk without pain? Yesterday when she was home for a visit, I ran upstairs to get some hangers (I was doing laundry), and no sooner did I leave her, she got up and walked herself to the bathroom. I want so badly to bring her home, but I know my situation will be like yours is (again). I am so torn. She is scared at the nursing home because she fears them. WIth me, she has not fear, but because of that she doesn't listen to me, no matter how much as beg her to. Oh, how I wish this wasn't happening!!!!
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mzdaisy, if your Mom hs declined in the past four months I dont know if you realize what a change in environment will do to her, she will be more than confused when she comes home again so beware. I was offered that when I had Hospice also but I didnt do it. They told me everyone wants someone to come to their home for a week instead but they wont do that, figures! Seriously think about asking for depakote, it worked for my Mom and also cutting the door in half so she cant fall down those stairs. Good luck, I know your pain as I went thru it for a year with Mom also.
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