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NO! Sounds like you need to find another caretaker. It would concern me that she thinks its appropriate. She is getting paid to do a job!
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Does this previous post refer to the same caregiver? Did you ask/require caregiver to move in with dad in order to protect dad from covid?
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You better check that out. It is very likely illegal. If she pays rent then it is her home which has certain rights that go along with it. A landlord cannot dictate every aspect of a person's life.

The value of 24/7 care in my area is around 12k a month. You have a second caregiver from the sounds of it. Good. Does dad have 24/7 care with two caregivers? Does tenant have freedom to do what she wants always when not on duty? Or is she expected to tend to dad's needs when not on the clock?
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Cover and vaccinations aside....

Is this caregiver paid legally as an employee? How is her salary handled? Is she a tenant where part of her payment is room and board?

If not set up legally with an agreement and taxes etc withheld, you may be opening a can of worms unless done legally. She could file a complaint with the state department of labor.

If there is question about legality of the situation, contact an elder law attorney.
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sunbrooke Feb 2021
She has a care agreement and is a tenant separately. Yes, part of her hourly rate is withheld for rent. Gee all I need is one more thing to worry about.
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I feel you made the right decision. The caregiver is the one who is unreasonable and she should know better putting your dad at risk.
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I would say that having company over is a resounding NO.
Even if or when the caregiver is vaccinated she should not have guests over. This is not her home. This is her place of work and your dad’s home.

You are focused on her vaccinated status but what about her guests? What about the guests family? While it may be more difficult to get COVID-19 after doing vaccinated there is the possibility to still get one of the newer strains and you can still transmit the virus
When she is not working she can go visit her partner, her friends.
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Not unreasonable at all. She is an employee. She needs to keep your Dad safe. Maybe renegotiate in 6 months.
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