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Its confusing him, he doesn't know why he is being moved constantly. He doesn't understand... To him, moving to AL every other week is unnecessary, he has a home, why does he have to go back to AL? mom's saying, GO HOME GO HOME GO HOME....That is heart breaking. I couldn't do it anymore, keeping her at her home. She lived 2 minutes away from me. I moved her into a board n care about 2 miles from me. then I moved her to another board n care 2 minutes away from me, another street other than her original home. I also moved my aunt into the same facility - 2 minutes away from me. See... 2 minutes away from me.. When I left the morning to clear my head, the morning she was passing, I got there in 1 minute. The nurse heard the door open, looked at her watch and pronounced her death time. For me, location,location, location - 2 minute drive for me. I bet you, if you did your homeowrk,, and found a memeory care unit near your home, the both of you will be okay. Your dad is losing mental compacity. So, move him. Then you can visit him possible every other night, if you want, and he will make new connections with new faces and make new friends. You don't need to rush into it. Call around find a place near you that is feasibly close enough to see him every day if you have to. Or every weekend. Talk to people or family who has people in these places that you are going to see. He doesn't have to move right away, so take your time and find a place close to home. It will be okay. He knows he is losing control over what happens, and sometimes that is the hardest hurdle to get over.
Helpful Answer (5)

Somtimes you have RIP THAT BANDAID OFF. Once it's off, it's over. He will be fine whereever you move him.

If its easier for you, and I know you want to see him, he is your only family from what I read, so move him closer to you. Who is going to argue?
Helpful Answer (4)
anonymous434963 Mar 2019
Why rip it off? Things have been fine as they are. He has friends who visit him where he is. Linkabit is happy to provide him a pleasant week once a month. Braggdeb has good advice. Unless and until he suffers somehow from their time together, why give that up, why take it away from them?
Having been through this as well, I would say follow your instinct and also do what gives you the most time with your dad. It is difficult (or it was for me) to spend a ton of quality time with my mom at her AL. It sounds like for a week out of every month that you and your dad are happily enjoying eachother. That is such a treasure. Believe me, in the end you will not beat yourself up for the little things, but you might beat yourself up for the time you did not spend. I think what you are doing sounds beautiful. it doesnt matter if he forgets it 10 minutes later. The only regrets I have from my time as my moms caregiver are the times I could have stayed longer and didnt, and the times I felt resentful because I was stuck with such a burden. When they are gone the love you shared truly is all that matters.
Helpful Answer (10)

Ok.... I'll try not to be too negative're doing a great job it sounds like managing a difficult situation...I'm a nurse of 30 years have worked in long-term care. Am a mental health therapist and lost my mom two years ago and she was in a dementia unit. if I were in your situation I would encourage the staff to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. By this I mean what if they start talking to your dad the day before and help him anticipate making the change. What if you leave a photo album in his room that shows his house. He and you in it doing activities... and they talk to him about it and show him pictures from time to time? I made a box for my mom and had memories from her earlier life on small pieces of paper and they would read these and talked to her at times. She enjoyed it... And they got some ideas about who she was when she was younger... Maybe the activities department would have more ideas... Hope this is helpful...
Helpful Answer (10)

I'm going to answer this first and then review the other answers. Just buried my father and if I could have given him what you are giving your father, I would have. Moved my father (also at 91) directly into Memory Care from his independent living apartment of 14 years. He did not want to move but he was having falls and with the last one he could not call for help on the medical alert button, so laid there until I found him the next morning. We moved all his stuff into Memory Care while he was in rehab and went directly there. 2 weeks later, I drove him past his old apartment building and he didn't know it. Never completely bought off on the idea that memory care was his new home. Thought it was another transitional place and "home" was probably where he grew up. But he did miss family life and wanted someone to stay with him. This is the part you are able to give to your dad that I didn't. There was no way he could live with me; I couldn't lift him if he fell and could not be there 24/7, nor is my house easy for someone in a wheelchair to navigate. But being caged all day in memory care with nothing to do isn't a great quality of life. Your dad is stimulated by return to family surroundings if only just to putz about with the reassurance you are there. If you can do and want to, it is a real gift to him. But it is also a lot of work for you and his house sits empty 3/4 of the time. I wanted my Dad to have a sense of community after living alone so many years and I think he did eventually adapt to it. They should have activities, be flexible to his needs, be trained in dementia behavior (including hallucinations) and you can help foster that community for him. You might start calling that special week "vacation" and transitioning him over to full-time memory care.
Helpful Answer (10)
lizzy1952 Mar 2019
so sorry for your loss of your dad. I too, went thru it with dad and mom three weeks later. I will keep you in my prayers.
Helpful Answer (3)

I think y'all have a great arrangement! Sure wish we had kept our mother's home.

My experience with memory care is that no matter what your concern is, they tell you it's the dementia. Like your dad, my mom remembers things and I Know she does.

Best of luck to both of you!!
Helpful Answer (6)

Is he confused about the moving to and fro once a month? I would think this may confuse him even more, BUT NOT TO A PERSON WITH DEMENTIA. I am concerned about the wandering. I am also concerned about your own wellbeing. So as he ages, this may not work. There may be no magic answer,
Helpful Answer (1)

I really admire what you are doing and say that if you enjoy it and it makes him happy then don’t stop. My experience taught me that my Dad went downhill fast in the memory unit and I will always regret not bringing him home and instead listening to what staff and family thought was best. He always asked to go home, even his last words to me were: “Come on, let’s go”.
I will support your beautiful efforts. You are giving him so much happiness that he deserves. God bless you dear. He probably loves being with you too. These days of his are prescious and to be cherished.
Maybe you can get help from the VA or Medicaid and get him a live in aide. Not so hard to manage from a distance. My friend had one for her mom and she was wonderful! If you can find one he could probably go home and he could wear a device that locates him if he should wander. Alzheimer’s association gives 24 hour counseling to care givers regardless of the type of dementia. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (6)

Wow! I feel blessed to have so many comprehensive, thoughtful, and caring responses! I'm sorry that I can't answer everyone individually, but I really appreciate all the advice and kind words. So many of you are doing so much while still dealing with kids and spouse that I don't have to worry about.

I appreciate the advice about moving him closer to me, and that's probably in the future. Where he is now is his hometown; we have local family and life-long friends that come to visit him, and in his long-term memory, which still works pretty well. If I bring him to live with me, his social circle shrinks to only me. I hope he's still able to continue living where he's familiar for a while. However, I've been shopping for skilled nursing facilities near me, since I think that will be the next step, and I want to have a plan ready.

Dad's cognition hasn't declined that much in the past year; it's strange how this happens--he can still beat me at checkers, but he can't begin to play scrabble (used to be good at both). He knows every melody and lyric of obscure country songs from the 50's, but can't remember where he slept last night. He cleans the kitchen counters better than I do. This hasn't changed much in the past year.

I'm starting to worry more about him getting physically weaker. Over the last two years, he has fallen several times; he's always been able to get up by himself. That's why he said he didn't need Medic-alert. I tried to tell him he's been lucky that he hasn't broken a leg or hip. No sale. So, I went with a tech solution with sensors and text notifications (I still use the door alarms when we're at home).

Thanks again for your helpful responses.
Helpful Answer (2)

You have made the best of a bad situation and if you are prepared to keep up what you are doing, do that. My sister and I take turns in taking dad back to his home for a half day visit once a week as that is the only place he ever asks to go when we suggest an outing. At home he waters his plants and sprays for bugs and even does a few minutes on his rowing machine. Many people told me this would confuse him and was not a good idea but he tells us how much he enjoys those days and never complains about going back to the nursing home (he still remembers that is where he actually lives). If this becomes too much work for you stretch out the time between the visits as he will not know how much time has passed. Best of luck, you are doing a wonderful job.
Helpful Answer (6)

Do as you have been doing lately and spend a week with him … don't pay attention to the Memory Unity Director. Think that your father will be looking forward to being with you and that if he doesn't see you he'll be sad, anxious, depressed, irritated -- don't give up, try finding a good and trustworthy housekeeper who could help during the week that he is home with you.
God bless you, you are an excellent daughter! Good luck!
Helpful Answer (4)

You know your father better than anyone, and memory care is a term not an experience. Your dad seem to enjoy the time he has in his home and that should be , in my opinion, the way it works for you. In the end, and our elderly love ones want are family, friends , and some sense of Peace and for one week a month, what's the harm of having and spending that time together in an environment that works for you. Memory care is important, but he has dementia which effects his memory not his overall health. Forgetting what happened 10 minutes ago is a memory issue not an illness like diabetes or congestive heart failure. That is the catch 22. Doctors see the medical terms and not the individual that may handle their dementia without medication or one size does not fit all. My mother was the same way. She could hold and intelligent conversation, eat, laugh, etc.. but she still could not remember if she watched a program on TV or took a bath that day. If your father knows his home than what is the harm of keeping up this routine that works for you all. Sometimes it is the costs of care that concerns these facilities, so please do your research and continue to manage his funds and care, and make decisions from experts but also your intuition.
Again, one size does not fit all, and as the decline becomes more evident, than you will make the arrangements of providing more care on a full time basis. Please research also of signs of the end of life to know the non-medical signs of knowing what to look for as your father comes to the end of his life. God bless you for being a caring and engaged daughter.
Helpful Answer (4)

My opinion is that you enjoy doing it for your Dad and you manage to get your consulting work done while you are with him. Even if he cannot remember that he was at home for a week, you will be at peace because you did your best for him. Keep doing what you are doing. God see your heart. Enjoy the last years with him
Helpful Answer (4)

I do think you are doing a wonderful job. I think you will know when it is no longer a good idea to take him to his house. Or, you will determine that he is running out of funds, as memory care is expensive -- and you may find that other arrangements need to be made for the house.

Please be sure to think about yourself and your needs. You need to build and enjoy your own life as well.

Other than that -- follow your heart and your good judgment.
Helpful Answer (3)

If your Dad can't remember that he was at his house 10 minutes after you head back to the AL then I say don't continue to take him back to his house. The stress on you is too much. BTW you seem to be doing an excellent job of taking care of him.
Helpful Answer (4)

My mom (97) has been in memory care for the last three months and has adjusted to her surroundings. I occasionally think it would be "nice" to take her out and bring her over to our house the way we did for the last six years. But, would I be doing it for her or myself? Would the few hours spent in front of the TV playing cards in our house be worth it? If I attempt to make her happy, will I only cause her sadness and agitation when she returns to her room in memory care?

I can only strive to keep her in a safe and clean environment, I can not make her happy nor can I restore her emotional well being.
Helpful Answer (2)
Babs75 Apr 2019
How did you know it was time to move her? My dad is 92 and I've had a couple people say he should be in memory care. He still lives in his own home with the help of part time caregivers. I go there every Saturday afternoon. Today when I was there, it was the frailest I've seen him. But he still hangs on, still manages the incoming money (I'm the conservator!) and pays some of the monthly bills from his own checking account. But asks the same questions over and OVER! He will not allow us to move him and all I can think about is the space between now and when he's in memory care --- how much 'stuff' will happen between now and then (when I took his car keys last year, it created such an outburst that we had the police there -- handcuffs, a ride in an ambulance, 3 day medical hold in the hospital). The whole thing makes me exhausted just thinking about it. And sell his house? I don't think I would be able to do that until he dies. He would insist on going through everything and he is totally incapable of making any kind of decision anymore.
In-home services can help a person living with Alzheimer's and their caregiver

In-home care for a person living with Alzheimer's includes a wide range of services provided in the home rather than in a hospital or care facility. It can allow an individual living with Alzheimer's or another dementia to stay in their own home and can also be of great assistance to caregivers.
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I really do not think of a right or wrong answer but it does sound to me as if you have made up your mind to do it your way and that's OKAY!! If I am right this was a post from some time ago ..I do remember this post Good Luck to you and hang in there hugs to you
Helpful Answer (2)

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