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Monica19815: Yes, be transparent with your adult children.
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You needn't ask for assistance that you don't want, but I would want to know if my mom was dealing with something like this. My mom had started medication for what I would find out later was Alzheimer's and didn't let anyone know. I wish that she would have let us know, I could have been more supportive in her earlier days. I would have asked more about her life, identify some photos that she kept, etc. Living in another state they could call you more often just to keep updated. They don't need to change their lives, but let you know they are there if you need them. Please consider this.
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Make sure that telling your children about your medical issues is not the same as asking them for help. You can work with your doctor and medical team to arrange help for yourself or a move to a facility if that becomes appropriate. Your children are not obligated to come to your aid in person. It sounds like you feel that telling them you are declining means you expect them to disrupt their lives to help you. You say you do not want to disrupt their lives, so don't. Make your own care arrangements and then keep your children posted on how your illnessmay be progressing.
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Wait until you get a definitive diagnosis.

In the meantime, get all of your affairs in order:
POA, will, advanced directive.
Clean your home and get rid of unnecessary items.
Decide where your remaining items are going to go.
Put your bills/banking on autopay.
Put all of your important information in one place, where your children can find it.
Finalize your burial/funeral situation now.

Do all of this now, to take some of the burden off of your children, so that when you find out what is wrong, everything will be taken care of.
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