Is mothers that are hateful when younger become ubearable to be around with this desease?I know how u feel about the grossness . Mother cusses and voilent, believe this me just walking into a room sets her into a rage. Ihare for hurtful words scars. I pray i can get her help fast. So need a peace mind And a break.
She never once bathed her or cooked for her,washed her clothes or spent 24-7 , 365 on call for years for her.
My Grandmother told me when my Father was dying she was not going to stay at his home with my stepmother and wanted to avoid a care home and preserve the trust and said my stepmother was keeping $179,000 of $250,000 my Dad had extracted from my Grandmother after moving her to his home.
I got the $179,000 back and $12,000 a contractor vanished with,r I found on Megans list on a hunch. I was with her Dr vists and aid she was being over medicated and I got her drugs reduced, which mad her mad , very very mad!
Codeine was a severe addiction she admitted to, she was anemic,dizzy and s complaining about it so a cardiologist gave her Pradaxa,
which instantly ruined her and mine and my girlfriends lifes,she had the many personal tasks that I wanted to avoid, bathing her by hand cause she refused to change a claw foot tub, despite having $2 million and $42k income!
It amazes me in hindsight how she could be so intimate with my girllfriend and reliant upon her kindness yet have nothing but disdain and never appreciate a thing, she only made evident after she died! The last year she cut me out of my 1/2 of the 2.3 million trust giving it to my daughter and nobody tells me but kept using me as a slave, once she became so bad she had to go to a care home suddenly my Sister was moving her to LA o be with her! The atty who kept changing my status knew they had an AB Trust and upon Grandpas death 50% was irrevocable! I only learned this after giving up 40% of my inheritance to an atty who won my case but I lost $420k of my 1.3 million. and this ruined my relationship with my sister and daughter who were only too happy to have me painted as a loser after I did years of care and my girlfriend too! I had a care agreement , without it I might have lost everything!
Personally, I couldn't care for an abusive parent. I don't have the ability to shut them out.
It's important to remember that what we do to help people like this is by CHOICE. In many cases, we may feel worse by NOT helping these abusive crabby cakes than we do by listening to their vitriolic baloney. If we chose NOT to help, after all, it's not as if they'll be floated out to sea on an iceberg.
SOMEtimes, when we remember we have a choice in the matter, it becomes easier to tune out their baloney. I hope in some small way this gives you some small peace.
If she is downright insulting and cruel, you can just leave or like the above comments stated, bring someone with you. Don't respond to the negativity if it is cruel. They want a reaction, whether negative or positive. So there's two sides to the coin: nastiness because they're just cranky and not feeling well, and then you have nastiness because they are somehow seeking out some sort of revenge for whatever reason that YOU do NOT have to tolerate. And remember, the more words you speak, the less they listen. I learned that the hard way.
I don't know if that helped any, but that's what I've been learning in my experience with this sort of thing.
Good luck and guard yourself from the negativity. Be strong!