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Dear Istuscany,

Please know you are not alone. I hope the fishing trip and time away will help. I know its not easy. Keep talking it out with us. And know there are always options. I know it doesn't feel like sometimes but there are. Keep hanging on.
Helpful Answer (12)

Absolutely, you need a BREAK from all this. You are valuable and worthwhile, even when you aren't caregiving or earning money or DOING anything. Let us know how you feel when you get back. We care!
Helpful Answer (13)

Great that you are getting away for a few days!

Let us hear from you when you return.
Helpful Answer (8)

Go and enjoy yourself. I am so happy for you that you can get away for five days, whether you fish or not. Just being able to sleep is so worth it. Turn off your phone, step away from social media and tell people to contact you only if there's a nuclear war. Otherwise, everything can await your return. This is a marathon and not a sprint and you are taking some time for yourself so you can stay in the game. Let us know how it goes.
Helpful Answer (19)

When I feel like this all
can’t be real, and I read what I’ve written I feel like I’m reading a story about some poor schmuck in a Woody Allen movie. I look at it and it hits me, that it’s really true, this is really the way things are now. Sort of like an out of body experience.

I’ve told my wife and daughter that I’m taking off for 5 days fishing. I don’t really care if I fish or not, I just need a change of perspective. Daughter has been wanting me to take off, while wife just becomes silent. Not angry, just withdrawn.
I am taking an anti anxiety Med, but maybe I should try something else.
Lack of sleep really is deadly. I need sleep.
The $’s we have would be ok if we didn’t have 2 households to support. Of course hers is pretty steep even though it’s not expensive by standards. Im absolutely burnt out. Even I know it, it just seems to be a constant. I just try to block it out, but of course that’s counterproductive.
More then anything though, I gain some degree of hope from all of you people whose thoughts and suggestions I respect. People who are there, or have been there and take the time to offer up their advice. It does help and I appreciate it.
Helpful Answer (28)

My heart goes out to you. ((Hug)) I wish I could wave a magic wand over your head and make it all better. I am very concerned about both your mental and physical health. Talk to your doctor to see if he/she can give you something for your physical health. Show your doctor this post, perhaps someone in your doctor's office has some ideas. As far as your finances are concerned, I wish I had an answer. Is there a social worker who can help you with perhaps some new suggestions that you haven't thought about. If you haven't already done so, call your County Office on Aging, or perhaps your church if you have one, maybe someone there can help with financial advice. ((((MANY HUGS)))).
Helpful Answer (16)

I don't have answers or suggestions. I just want to give you a big virtual {{{hug}}}. What you're going through would knock anyone to their knees. I am so sorry you and your family have to go through this suffering. {{{Hugs}}}
Helpful Answer (27)

I know what it feels like to burn out and believe me you are there. You need time away. Go for at least a week. Do it for your own survival.
Helpful Answer (30)

Lord knows you have enough reasons to feel the way you do but maybe you ARE depressed, clinically depressed. So many people on the forum have been or continue to be on medication or in therapy and have mentioned how helpful it is, perhaps you should talk to your doctor about this.
Helpful Answer (34)

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