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Every state has at least one Medicaid program that will pay family caregivers. Many here are simply unaware of all the help out there and think that there’s little help for people in your situation but that’s simply not true. In your state, look in the COPE program. As long as you aren’t dads legal guardian or POA, if he’s eligible for COPE you can be paid through nevada’s Medicaid program.
Helpful Answer (1)

As has been said many times here....some times, and under some circumstances a family member might (might) qualify for some payments for caregiving through the State Medicaid will only be low wages and only a few hours a week. Not even enough to pay the grocery bill.

Most of us are not paid at all. Some of us have parents able to pay from their own retirement and investments.
Helpful Answer (4)
Kellylu571 Sep 2019
I will take a look that program thank u
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