
Can they evict me? Can I keep them from selling it? I had signed my title to mobile home entrusted it to cousin and it accidentally got into hands of brother who claims I coerced Mom into putting it in my name in 2014 and wanted to give it to the estate. He wants to selll it immediately byt I live there. Stroke 9/2015 resulted in severe dementia and I was wrongly accused never charged for elder abuse. Probate judge believing declarations by opposing attorney and brother that I wanted to give it to estate were wrong. I could not afford legal rep and did not realize the judged the home RE titled to my mom. It was never titled to her and I have notes from her showing it was a gift. Two brothers estranged from mom now hiding trust assets, challenged and won against moms estate plan. ALL based on lies. APS would not do A THING when I called because brothers had already started investigation apparently. Despite repeated calls to check status of my request help for my mom and then to ombudsman to complain. They had the nerve to "substantiate" financial abuse based on lies and allegations by two men who didn't even care enough about their mother to come see her when hospitalized over the past 2 years or even when she had the 9/2015 stroke. UNTIL notified by nephew that Grandma couldn't remember anything weeks later and that I was not allowed to see her due to a restraining order for elder abuse she did not understand when forced to sign it by a new caregiver she had. She later tried to cancel it, before declared incompetent, and even told her court assigned attorney. Because of the TRO and elder abuse claims I was assumed guilty by the probate judge when he made this decision. RO changed to make me stay away from my mom forever but not my home, as before when she lied there. I moved in as I am separating from my husband of 33 years over this sotuation and my son lives there with me. I heard a rumor they are showing up this week to put home up for sale and they already retitled it. I could not find anyone to represent me and honestly cannot afford legal rep so I filed an appeal. My mobilehome was considered my moms asset/personal property and judge ordered it to be given to her. I did not realize I had the chance to object during the hearing as I was not allowed to speak. Or so I thought. So I've been living in home since hearing 7/11/16 but afraid of what can be done to get my home back. I never did anything to hurt my mom and took the best care of her and she was happy. They could NEVER prove elder abuse of ANY kind, because it simply did not happen. The abuse started when the brothers removed her from her home moved her into a care facility with no phone, no cane, no walker no lift chair, no one knew wheee she was. They influenced her to sign over her bank account so they could use her money to sue for conservatorship. Even though she had an estate plan, kept up to date as advised by ALL legal persons, but now not worth the paper it was written on. All because I was forced out of her life when I was one of the only persons who knew her and her needs and how to keep her happy. She was diagnosed with depression as a result and had several more health issues. She rarely has visitors and had many friends who know nothing of her whereabouts. My children are not even allowed to know where she is. My life has been destroyed by greed. The trust assets are mysteriously missing even though everyone including her trust attorney knew my oldest brother had been storing it for years and mom had been trying to get it returned for over a year by letters her attorney was sending him. I was just doing what a loving and dutiful daughter would do and I loved taking care of my mom. I felt lucky to have had cancer because it left me on permanent disability and I had the time to do it. My children got to have their Grandma around and she loved being near to them. Now they don't really understand why any of this is happening. I have contacted so many legal referral places that either dont respond at all or tell me they have no attorneys who would take the case. I am very frustrated and scared now and don't think the Sheriff's department will help. They think I'm guilty and know I have a complaint with the DOJ about them so I get treated differently than others. I don't know what to do to protect myself and my right to keeping my home. This situation is so convoluted no one really even knows what to tell me. So....have you had this type of horrific mess before? What do I do? What does a person do? The brothers also stole personal property of mine when I was not allowed to go into my own home. And moms which they have never accounted for. Sheriff's refused to make report of theft, or inventory, because they claimed it was a civil matter even though they broke into home and no right to be there. It keeps getting worse and I've not been able to see my mom and now a judge tells me never again. She's 87 and not in good health. I miss her so and know in heaven she will learn the truth.

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