
Both parents are in a nursing home on private pay and will not be returning to their home. The house will be sold at some point - not exactly sure when. Will be applying for Medicaid within weeks. Small amount of money left for spend down. I need to move furniture out of my parents house and store it. I have durable POA. Can I use my parents funds to cover moving expenses? Can I use my parents funds to cover the rental cost of the storage unit. To be clear my parents will never use this furniture again.

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I would definitely check with your Medicaid people about this. Each state is a little different with rules. As the saying goes, better to be safe than sorry.
Take care,
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You might want to check what your state's rules are regarding that question.
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if you have D.P.O.A. you can as long as you have receipts on anything pertaining ur parents, you can use their money for anything just keep the receipts to everything you for them and buy for me I made the fatal mistake of NOT keeping receipts and it bit me in the --- by my family
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