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Have you ever considered that she's just a self-centered nasty person? Many of her behaviors sound that way. All craziness is not a sign of dementia!
Helpful Answer (18)

I have to commend your MIL for being able to get a job. That is amazing. You cant look at your MIL like a horrible person or the enemy in your house, altho she has done some underhanded things.
If she hosted your family for dinner did she charge you per person for the meal? Probably not.
If you try to pit her son against her it will backfire on you.
You have to try to get husb to help get her into an aging apartment close by. Your gonna have to be supportive of him to try do do this. You have to walk that delicate line until shes gone. You have to say she will have more friends/ active soc life there than sitting at home doing nothing.
You have to be very careful or you will be in the crappy apt with daughter while she enjoys her son all to herself.
Helpful Answer (6)
earlybird Jul 2019
Great answer. I wonder how many negative comments you will get?
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Will start off with the food - I don't care if she buys food or not, she should never be excluded from a meal that was cooked. Sorry. Most people toss more than enough food to feed one person. If she has certain things that only she likes, then ok, let her bring them in, but you are stepping in the middle of your husband's back when you expect him to eat a meal and point blank tell his mom she's not invited. Not feeding someone has taken it to the level of being petty (in my opinion).

Next, how could her doctor even have access to your HSA card? There's something missing in the part of the story. If she took your card, that's a problem. Call the doctor and tell them you expect every cent to be refunded to your card and she can pay the bill the next time she goes in.

She doesn't need an evaluation. She seems to be pretty clear in her thinking. It's time to sit down with her bank account papers, check book, etc to find out exactly how much income she has coming in. Then set the monthly amount she will pay in rent. Take your bills, excluding mortgage because only you will ever benefit from that, and tally up what is used for utilities, groceries, cable (if she's a tv watcher) and divide it up between the total number of people in your house. That will give you a roundabout figure to work with and include meals. Can she even afford that amount? If not, you're going to have to be more realistic in what she can pay.

If she can afford to live in an apartment, you may be shooting yourself in the foot when you draw a line in the sand about refusing to pay the deposit for her to move. A deposit and a move job would be much cheaper in the long run than what you're arguing about right now. But, even before you find the apartment, she has to sit down and lay out all her cards so you will know how much rent she can afford. $700 being spent for car/insurance would buy quite a few uber rides each month if she really doesn't like to drive anymore.
Helpful Answer (3)
PandabearAUS Jul 2019
Fantastic answer. I know. Refusing food. Mind blowing but also refusing it based on a monetary valuation.
The more this post goes on the more it feels wrong. Feels like stirring the pot
Helpful Answer (5)

Well, none of this sounds like dementia to me. My experience, (and this is my opinion only, with a family of mentally ill persons) would lead me to believe that this is plain old mental illness, self-treated by habitual manipulation of circumstances on her part. The immediate gratification, control issue, sabotage, pretend-victimizing, refusal to cooperate...yeah, I have seen all this before, with false reports to neighbors, etc. I drew the line at abuse of my kids, and putting my family in danger of legal troubles, and putting ME in a position where I could not longer empathetically assist a person needing a level of objective care. In other words, I was no longer able to care for someone like that, so before everything went to hell, I quit. To help someone like this you must be stronger than them, smarter than them, less vulnerable than them, with less to lose. It doesnt matter how much it costs...get her out, wash your hands, you could end up in jail for elder abuse, with thousands of dollars in legal fees. If she is this poor, she needs a lawyer well versed in Medicaid options and a diagnosis from a doc (neuropsychologist, maybe?) to find out what is going on...without a preconceived notion or diagnosis of dementia. If this behavior has been going on for a long time, it is unlikely to be suddenly physiological, but strokes can certainly totally change someone's personality...but you do not have on your own oxygen mask and are no longer seeing things clearly, you are unable to take effective care of this person without a terrible personal toll on your life, and if it were me, with what I know now about my self, and the teeny bit I have read about your issue...I would walk away, even if necessary move to another state for a few months, and not be anywhere in the vicinity when this all blows. I do wish you the best of luck, and hope I havent offended you. Id run, not walk, all she has to do is call APS or get a neighbor to do so...and you will have real problems on your hands.
Helpful Answer (9)
cherokeegrrl54 Jul 2019
You speak from personal experience...i feel the exact same way as you do...
Id be very mindful of what you say around her. Dont start fights, walk away. She could decide to get mad and report you for elder abuse, or even better; get a neighbor to do it. That way she can look helpless and the poor victim. She can say I didnt do it they did.

She has already manipulated your husband/you to letting her move in. Got neighbors to buy her a new tire. If she talks bad about you to yor daughter, what is she saying to friends, coworkers, neighbors, husband? She said something so they would buy her the tire. Be very careful around her.

If you have a fight at home, she could run over to neighbors and cry. Police get called. You look horrible in their eyes if she says you wont feed her, and want to put her out on the street. This could play out badly. Elder abuse. Even tho it wasnt that way.
If she is that manipulative its a personality disorder, not dementia. That wont change now.

Work on your husb, but try to make it a united front. If you get mad in the heat of the moment and say its her or me! It wont work. He'll have to pick his mom. She gave birth to him and she's elderly. He cant abandon his mom. He just cant, even if he's sick of her antics. He knows he will look like the worst person on the planet. It wont look so bad if wife leaves. See the difference? How it will look to the world? The wife will be made out to be the nasty one, not the poor frail elderly mom dependant on her son. She will guilt him. So dont make him choose. Just keep reminding him of all the stress, and how she will have more friends/soc life, happier, in an elderly apt around people her age. She will be close by, but wont depend on him for everything. She will have things to do. Relieves the tension, everyone will be happy. Go that route. You will have better luck w husband that way.
Helpful Answer (4)
Myownlife Nov 2019
No where does it say she is elderly!! Is she? The OP mentions a young family with a 9-year old daughter, then that would put the OP in her 30's? MIL maybe her 50's?? I am 65, and am responsible for myself...... why isn't she? Where does it say she is frail and elderly?
Jomieshell we haven’t hear from you in6 days. Are you making decisions? I always wonder about people who post an issue and never get back to the suggestions given. I find that odd
Helpful Answer (5)
PandabearAUS Jul 2019
Personally, I don’t think it’s legit
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There are alot of thoughts and suggestions.
None of us know all the facts. We don't know if your MIL has a mental health problem or what type of life she has had in the past.
I would definitely go to the doctor and explain how all the family are suffering especially your daughter. Maybe a break away would be good thing for you and daughter. To see how your husband copes without you and has to look after his mum.
All this has to be damaging your health,marriage and could do alot of harm to you daughter.
Good luck x
Helpful Answer (6)

I think I would move out with my kids. She can't afford a car, so it should go. You can get a lot of Lyft rides for $700. I think this has to be between your husband and her, though. And I don't think it is dementia, I think she has probably always been this way, but as she gets older her inhibitions are getting weaker, so she is more brazen.
Helpful Answer (7)
meness Jul 2019
All that being said, you can't not feed her.
Maybe the OP & child did have to move out...

Hope the story had a better outcome though (than OP fleeing own home in bleached & scisored clothes...?)
Helpful Answer (2)

Does she have Social Security (which she should have unless she was working under the table), and there is the alternate of SSI if she qualifies. Also, check for Independent Living rather than AL; or Section 8. It sounds like she should be qualified for one or the other. She might have to sell the car to qualify?? They very often have waiting lists, so get on one.
Helpful Answer (1)

Have you Applied for food stamps for her or other assistance? Just got my dad approved for his medical assistance and other support. It's only a little help, but it's better than nothing.
Helpful Answer (3)

Oh yes. I remember you very well. You break everything down to a spreadsheet. You made a 78 year old woman get a job. As I said before. I don’t care much for my MIL but I would never sit down to a meal and let her watch me eat
Helpful Answer (5)
plum9195 Aug 2019
Just because you are elderly and a parent does not mean you cannot harm someone mentally or physically. If you want to be treated with respect, act respectful. If you have dementia, then that is different. If you are just a jerk, one should not encourage those behaviors at any age.
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Still think this post is not legit and is nothing more than pot stirring amusement for someone
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
I don’t know, Panda. Truth can be stranger than fiction.

Have you ever had something totally ridiculous happen that you thought no one would believe? I have.

I was getting ready for work, all dressed, makeup on, hair done, ready to walk out of the door... Oh, just a quick spritz of hair spray, I thought.

OMG! I had Dow, bathroom cleaner, the scrubbing bubbles, foam cleaner, right next to my hair spray. Yep! All of a sudden I was looking at a head full of white foam all over my head! I had to jump back in the shower, do hair and makeup again, get dressed for work again!

Of course, I was late for work and my boss was waiting for me! I panicked after seeing the foam and didn’t even call and say I was going to be late, just jumped in shower to wash the foam out!

Of course, he asked why I was late. I told him the truth. He looked at me without saying a word. Finally when he could speak he said to me, “That has to be the truth because no one could make up a story as crazy as that!” He laughed so hard while shaking his head as he walked away.

It was horribly embarrassing but I ended up laughing about it too.
This is just truly sad all around. It’s a total nightmare! Hope it works out somehow for everyone’s sake.
Helpful Answer (1)

Evict her. Go through the process, and finalize and do NOT let her back in.

Honestly, sounds like typical narcissistic personality disorder.

My Mom is 94 and I know she is NPD as well the current dementia. But long ago, I remember when I visited in between travel jobs when I visited, I remember not being able to find a few things when I was packing to leave. Such as a pair of pants and tops mixed in her closet. No, it was no accident. There were other things as well. She always saw me as an extension of herself and did not want to be separated from me. She has been so manipulative about so many things over the years. That is exactly what your situation sounds like. And the only option is to get her out and stay away.

Read all the postings about NPD.... you will see that is exactly what she is. There may be other issues, diagnoses as well but manipulation and presenting herself as "the queen" and in the right is a key element of narcissism.

For the HSA thing, I would report her and make sure YOU are the only one who can use your HSA and any other thing. Maybe you need to call credit bureaus as well and put a freeze on your accounts.

And how old is she? You mention you and your family are young. Unless she has been declared incompetent, she is an adult with full decision-making power. It is NOT up to you to find housing or apply for assistance or anything like that. THAT is up to HER. You just do the eviction... she will have a 30-day notice to make plans; if she does not, that is on her, NOT you!!!

P.S. Mary Kathleen has a great response below. Your responsibility is to you and your daughter! You will learn a great lesson with all of this..... if your husband does not come around and support you with a united effort, he never will. You should find out early on whether he is 100% supportive of getting her out of your lives. If he isn't, better you should know now and get on with you and your daughter's lives.
Helpful Answer (4)

Agree with myownlife - sounds like Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Find a rented room somewhere, pay the deposit, make HER sign the paper.
Change the locks on your place.
I don't see how she could add things to your health account without your permission so if this happened take legal advise and sue her and the charging medical facility - this is fraud.
I do think PandabearAUS has a very good point, there are a lot of inconsistencies here (and in some of the responses).
Helpful Answer (1)

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