
Husband moves around a lot at nighttime, I use the depends bed pads and they don't stay in place either, I also use Tranquility overnighters, the sheets are wet every morning, I think the Tranquility product is what I need, Just need to figure out how to keep the pads in place.

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Safety pins and elastic.
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Maybe try those rubber rug pads (fit under your rug) and put that down across the bed and then lay the pad on top. Should keep it from shifting. But as cwillie advises, you will have to have one wide or long enough to tuck under mattress if he shifts alot during the night.
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I have seen bed pads that have fabric panels on either side so they can be tucked in, you could look for those or try altering the ones you have if you are handy and have a sewing machine.
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