My mother in law moved into our home directly from the Rehab center after her back surgery because the social workers at the rehab said she needed 24X7 care. Her dementia comes and gos so we can't tell if it's anesthesia induced or not. She woke up this morning and didn't know what day it was, where she was, or what time of day it was. She asked when she could go home. She says she just wants to go see her things. I told her that it would most likely just make her sad because she would regret not having the same life as she once had. Anyway, we went over the whole.... yes you can afford 24X7 care until your money runs out (she's 90 and her mother lived to be 100), or you can stay with us, or you can go to an extended care facility. BUT my real question is this....has anyone allowed the elder parent to visit the former home for day visits? If so was it successful or did it just make them very sad and depressed?
You, the caregiver, must stay strong to weather this. It is difficult and one never knows how long the journey will be. Keep your inner strength! Love the elderly person in your life with all your heart, but love yourself too, and remember this person desperately NEEDS YOU. God bless!