
my mother is in nursing home and has been there 8 wks,,how much longer before she can go home?

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Annie, the therapy varies from person to person. A lot depends on the elder and if they are cooperative doing the exercises, some don't like the pain. And a lot depends on the fracture itself, if it was a thin hairline fracture, or complete through the bone fracture.... and if your Mom has issues with frail bones.

I broke my upper arm back in May of last year, and it was 6 months before I was back to doing my regular routine.
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Talk to her PT team, they can tell you if she is making progress or not.
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Your mother is in a nursing home getting rehab after breaking her leg? Have you had a care meeting with her rehab team? Have you attended any of her Physical Therapy sessions? What does the doctor say about her ability to manage at home?
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