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I can identify with you. My dad is now in a care facility and I always feel judged. I was told recently that people have been asking why wasn't I taking care of him? In fact I have been talked about all over town and I admit that it hurts that people I know would say such things, but they do not know the history. I had an unpleasant childhood because of his treatment of my mom and I. My mom died many years ago and I stepped in to help him. But with his physical limitations and etc., I could no longer help him. It was the expectation that I would quit my job and sell my house to become his full time caregiver. I also know that deep down, he is upset with me and does not think I should be working. He actually told me once that my only job should be taking care of him. I know that people are also shocked that I'm not his caregiver.
Other people are on the outside looking in. One of the first things I read when I joined this forum was that everyone's situation is different. Some people are able to care for their parents and some are not. Also, when we help them get placed into a care facility, that IS helping them. I would say to try your best to ignore those people because it is none of their business.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to faithfulbeauty

I need to vent on this matter one more time. Yes!!! I did now I just don't give a rats a$$ .

I have an old child hood friend that lives near mom. Every so often she calls me and vents her life, then she ask how mom is. Then she says do you really think your mom should be alone as much as she is. My response now compared to a year ago is much different.

I say of course NOT, but I have no power, after the hurt she caused me I can only be there so much before it effects my mental health. I'm not doing that to myself anymore, why don't you visit her if your worried.

Most people that give bad advice are thinking of themselves. They are thinking who is going to take care of me, who is going to keep me out of the nursing home. There in no way thinking of you.

Some are more good in there heart and are missing there loved ones and it comes out as well meaning horrible advice. They mean well , in a way but they need to think about the caregiver also.

Honestly know one I know thinks about what there going through, they all think about there problem. So best to not even bring the subject up.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Anxietynacy

I decided a long time ago that I don’t care what people think. They are free to think what they want. And I really just don’t care if they think badly of me. I am the one who has to live my life with the consequences of my decisions, not them.

Let go of the guilt.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Hothouseflower

I will share my experience for current and future caregivers who may be reading this thread .

The flying judgmental monkeys will fly away once a parent is gone . They feel they are superior to you. Yet they are clueless .

I took care of my parents for a long time before placing them . Siblings did not help and criticized when I placed them .

My advice is , ignore the flying monkeys during caregiving , because they will ignore you once the parent is gone . Don’t waste your time on any of their nonsense . Don’t let them take up space in your head .
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to waytomisery

I think it’s best to turn the judgement back on the judges. If the LO is in a care facility, reply “Yes I to think he is lonely. When can you visit him?”. If LO is living with you, reply “Yes I am concerned about her. When can you come around to be with her, while I do some of the errands that she needs me to do?”. Repeat, repeat. If it's flying monkey, say "Yes I asked if she/he could help, and didn't get a reply".
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

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