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Most can't use the internet or computer but you can bring (a laptop if you have one) and show them funny videos, email and pictures from family, if they can read, you can enlarge the page type by going to "view" in your menu, take them to live cams in their hometowns or place they would like to see. I know this site will probably delete this link but you can query purina animal all stars videos. these videos are usually so funny, relaxing, etc you can occupy someone for hours. Also, if bedridden or spend most time in bed, possible arrange a room so they can see out the window. if on ground floor, plant butterfly attracting plants so they can water them "visit". You can rent current or old movies in dvd format for free from most public libraries. Also, tape shows that they don't see on tv b/c asleep, etc. shows that will make them laugh like Ellen or Letterman or whatever they like.
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Breitone2 you mentioned going to the dollar store and lunch. I can't believe I forgot those two things. My mom has dementia, but even with the disease she still LOVES going to the dollar store and she absolutely loves going out for lunch. Going to lunch was something that she and her best friend use to always do together and it's still something that she enjoys immensely. The best present I can ever give to my mother on a holiday is to take her to lunch or dinner. It was that way before the dementia and it's no different now. The only difference now is that I can get away with the occasional trip to a fast-food joint, which is cheaper for us and because you pay first it's easier to leave immediately if we need to. Because of the dementia, I can't be guaranteed that she isn't going to suddenly get upset over something. So, leaving quickly sometimes is necessary lol.
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What awesome suggestions... the interactive part is the best, the touch...My S man is not able to do much of anything anymore, unsteady on his feet, but one thing he loves to do is watch the birds outside.. so I have put birdfeeders out side the window, keep the birdbath full and clean, he loves to see the birds taking a bath. He is unable to finish a sentence at this paying a lot of attention to what he is trying to say helps too, it is very hard to have 'conversation' with him at this point, but we do laugh alot.... I even get him to dance and shake his booty for his wife ... he lit up and Iike to have never got him to bed!!! So we do the dancing earlier in the day now....He is not able to follow a book reading, but we do watch tv commercials together... even tho most of it doesn't make sense to him, I can tell which part he liked , so we talk about it and laugh.... and talked recently with Kimbee about appealing to his male ego to 'help' me with things, and he is so sweet and even stands a little taller afterward. Music tends to make him anxious, so we don't do music, and we no longer get to talk about his job, he doesn't remeber.... breaks my heart for him.... he is lost in his world so much of the time, so when I can find something that brings him out a little and makes him smile... I know for that little while he is with us and he is happy.... hugs to you all who put time and thought into making it less of burden to them to be so dependent....
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