One sis has POA and the second in line to be POA sis is in BIG financial trouble due to terrible financial irresponsibility over the years (her house may be taken away from her within 30 days). It is all due to frivolous spending. She has spent $10,000 in one month on stuff even knowing her mortgage and property taxes were unpaid. The current POA has health issues-- the next time could be fatal-- and she is concerned about the next in line. She asked me if I would handle POA. We are trying to figure how to discuss with mom. Do we give mom all the gory details of irresponsible sis for her to consider making the change? Irresponsible sis has borrowed tons of money from many sources (banks and people (me included)) and it is all being discovered now. The few that know are shocked that it has grown to be so dire.
Would you feel okay with her as POA if you were in ours shoes? I feel POA should be a very responsible person and there are at least two others who would accept the role. Mom is competent, knows none of the above about sis, and is very financially responsible herself (good sum of money in the bank and she owns property in three states).
Thanks for your thoughts.
My mother gave my brother all POAs, put only him on her checking, made him executor of the will. There are no checks and balances. He has the tendency to bully me and when I approached mom with this she turned on me like you wouldn't believe. I was just a lowly piece of crap to mention such. So you know the old saying about not shooting the messenger. Good luck and tread softly