
A resident at the assisted living facility I work at is very unhappy with the facility. To most of the employees she is a difficult resident. She doe not like most people there, and has told me numerous times I was her favorite, and her mine. We have grown to have a strong friendship/bond. When I told her I'd be leaving my job position, she became very saddened and nearly made me cry. Is it unethical to suggest becoming her private aid, and can someone in an assisted living facilty have a privately paid aid?

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I'm sure that a person in AL can have a privately paid aide. That shouldn't be a problem. You might want to check your contract with the AL and see if it prohibits what you'd like to do. If not, and if you are going to leave the facility anyway, and the woman needs paid help, as long as you don't encourage her to leave the facility, I don't see an ethics problem. If you encourage her to leave the facility, that could be more problematic. Good luck. You may find this works out well, since the other people at the AL find this woman difficult, so everyone wins.
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