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Bruno - I misunderstand. When you indicated sponge bathing, I assume in the bed. If that is the case, those round mesh sponges won't work. They are for use in the tub/shower. I would, however, also recommend any type of microfiber cloths. I use them to wipe my Mom's bottom between diaper changes in her bed. They are extremely absorbent!!
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Bruno - I use those round mesh sponges to bathe my Mom. They are very soft, absorbent and hold the soap really well. They are absorbent so they retain the temperature of the water you use. You can purchase them at any drugstore. I highly recommend them. Good luck.
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A good thick terry cloth should be fine if you use the hottest water your hands can stand and frequently return it to the water. As Pam says use two or three. Wash small area of the body and keep the rest covered with a warm towel. For example do one arm at a time. If you are not familiar with bathing someone in bed see if you can find a nurse to instruct you in this and other proceedures of simple nursing care. Change the water frequently and keep the room temperature warm.
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I use two or three, and switch them as they cool off.
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