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You need to be very cautious about using Trazodone and Quetiapine. A MAJOR side effect for Trazodone is the hangover and imbalance that is almost universal. Trazodone is NOT intended as a sleep aid and is FDA indicated only for depression. Therapeutic doses are in the range of 300mg daily which rendered recipients constantly sleeping. Hence, it never caught on.
Quetiapine, an atypical antipsychotic, also causes weight gain, metabolic syndrome, drowsiness, and a number of other side effects such that a black box warning about its use in the elderly. If those meds are prescribed, they have to be monitored very closely by the prescribing physician.
As a physician, I have not only had clinical experience but unfortunately have helped both my father and now my wife with dementia. Interestingly, I noticed a certain level of confusion, agitation, and or increased anxiety in them both which seemed to respond to liquid and solid food. My Dad's preference was little squares of chocolate from a large Cadbury chocolate bar at least every 2 hours or so. My wife has been eating Nature Valley granola bars and drinking EAS Advantage chocolate fudge carb control drinks. The former provide instantly available sugars and the latter provides slowly digested proteins which help support an extended effect. I am NOT advertising either of these products. Other brands exist that do similar things. Be careful not to overload the protein side with your approach. Usually, my wife noticeably calms within 15 minutes +/-. My wife also needs something every 2 hours or so. Good luck
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Calms Forte Sleep Aid works for some people. It is over-the-counter natural remedy sold in most pharmacies; even WalMart, I believe.
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My mother has vascular dementia. She becomes agitated close to bedtime. I give her both Relaxing Sleep and Lemon Balm tinctures manufactured by Herb Pharm a few times throughout the day and at bedtime. She sleeps like a baby through the night. You can purchase both tinctures on Amazon, Sprouts, Whole Foods. If there is someone available to work with your father, see if there is a way to change his sleep-wake cycle so that he does all his walking first thing in the morning. I'm sure you've already thought of this but I still wanted to mention it. Good luck!
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Check with your doctor first about Calcium with Magnesium. There is a product I sometimes use called "Calm." I prefer to go with food intake or homeopathic remedies if possible. Warm milk is also excellent! Other options include herbal teas - hot or cold, there are several that may help.

Best! M.
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Try putting him to bed earlier. My dog senses when moms Sundowners is coming on. When i listen to her, mom goes to bed in 15 minutes. If not or if we are gone or busy, it will take 2-3 hours for her to settle down and get to sleep.
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Amitriptyline can be used also to calm down the nerves as well as the Trazadone. Most doctors will give you a 2 week supply so you won't be out much money for meds that you don't feel will work.
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