
My 89 year old father has been sharp as a tack for 89 years. Last month he came down with a whole body blood infection caused by a drain in his gall bladder. After 3 weeks the infections is gone. Every since then he goes from normal to talking crazy as can be and imagining things. I've read some people get this. My question is has anyone here dealt with this and how do i handle it? The crazy phone calls needing food instantly and then getting it only to have him eat one piece is getting old. And just the random crazy talk is hard to deal with.

Sounds like acute delirium that was caused by the sepsis and it could go away but more than likely won’t
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Trixipie

I believe you mean to use the word dementia rather than dilemma? If so....
Is he still hospitalized or in rehab? This septicemia is a lethal killer, and to have survived it means he is not resistant to antibiotics, and had enough organs surviving it to recover. Somewhat a miracle right there.

If he is still not home in his own environment then I would say that much of this is a sort of hospital psychosis. If he is back and still cannot fully recover this is a wait and see.

I would discuss this with his own doctor because he is the one with all the facts and details here, and can make best guess. Otherwise this is taken a day at a time and with hoping for the best. I sure do wish you best of luck and hope for full recovery.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Infection can cause Delirium, especially in the elderly.

Not saying it IS that (I am not a Doctor) but maybe read up & ask Dad's Doctor.

I'll try to find some links.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Beatty

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