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Valerian tincture. Valerian is the plant that inspired valium. And the tincture is made from the root of the plant. Ive been able to find both alcohol free and traditional tinctures at our local health food store. Or dried root can be infused to soothing chamomile tea. Valerian can be a knockout, so do some reaserch first = )
There are lots of great ideas on this thread.
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I agree the suggestions here are great! One thing I use is a fireplace DVD which plays video of a fire burning in a fireplace. Other than that, aromatherapy might be useful.
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I find myself trying to relax my tongue at night now. LOL. What does that mean?
Please explain.

By the way. Cannabis. Not such a good thing. For me anyhow. My mind always goes to dark places. Not great for someone who is already grieving.
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All that energy and nowhere to channel it. I used to get dressed and head for the nearest watering hole. Called in "sick" next morning. Now I go for a long run (2-3 miles will do) or swing by the 24-hour gym down the street. No problem falling asleep after that. Try it.
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Gershun - I'm with you regarding your cannabis cautions. The pot today is nothing like the pot of my youth, 30 - 40 years ago. Then it was giggle and laugh for an hour, empty the refrigerator then zone out on TV followed by a nap.
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Forget the weed!
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K2 will make you run naked down the street speaking in tongues. The so-called "good stuff" will give you the munchies. You'll be big as a house in no time at all. Fat, depressed, lonely, and insomniac? Not happening.
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Oops. Posted too soon! So to continue - When it became recreational legal in Oregon -as I said earlier, I decided to give it a shot to help with my chronic insomnia. I was not prepared for the difference in potency since it had been over 30 years since I lasted smoked. The first two times I got a little freaked out, to be honest. But the third attempt did the trick and now two tiny puffs get me to sleep as soon as I lay down. My warning would be for anyone struggling with strong emotional issues to stay clear of it. And NEVER give it to someone with dementia. For those in a good space mentally - still do some research on the different strains, THC levels etc.
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Yeah, Fat, depressed and sleepless in Vancouver. Not a good look. My hubby does medical marijuana. I tried some, a indica dominant strain. I wasn 't impressed and still couldn't get to sleep. Woke up with a headache and a hung over feeling.
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Aromatherapy and our fireplace with a cozy blanket are my best bets...and a good movie I have been dying to see forever on TV...the minute it starts I fall asleep.....happened again this weekend...

I also agree with Eddie....I'm not much of a runner, but a good power walk always helped me..cleared my mind, made me feel better...and the brief euphoria was quickly over taken by a good sleep...
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Different strokes for different Folks, but I find My Apple I-pad 3 works wonders for Me. Usually Mom calls Me two or three times at night, and when I'm awakened from a deep sleep I find it impossible to fall back into it again. That's what I'm doing right now.
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I'm wide awake. I don't think I want to go out for a run or power walk after midnight, even if I do live in a small town. No weed in the house, already finished my book, TV sucks.... midnight snacks? (shhh, don't tell the dieting thread)
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To be honest with you cwillie if I went for a run or a power walk at 3AM. I'd more than likely have already lost my mind at that point. Have a warm milk. Less calories.
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A bowl of milk and cereal helps me. I sleep better after that. Maybe it is just enough to raise my sugar level to a normal range, or there is something calming in whole milk.
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Actually Pamstegma, there is scientific evidence behind your cereal with milk solution. Bear with me cause I'm not a science-y gal. Carbohydrates cause a spike in blood sugar. Which in turn causes the body to produce insulin to bring down the blood sugar. When insulin is produced so is tryptophan and serotonin which are both brain chemicals that promote relaxation. Turkey is also high in tryptophan... But I digress - thanksgiving on the brain - milk also contains tryptophan so when you mix it with a carbohydrate, especially a complex carb you are getting a double hit of sleepy brain chemicals. Personally I go the milk and cookie route - chocolate chip - not as effective as granola cereal but soooo yummy! As far as warm milk - I have read differing opinions but the general consensus is that just by it being warm it is more relaxing.
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Yes warm milk with oatmeal works well. Also lettuce I hear!
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