
My gma broke her hip and was in rehab for 3 months so my husband thought she would be fine as long as she gets home and into her routine. Of course an 85 yo with middle stage Dementia is NOT going to get better it's going to get worse. So he decided he would take care of her. That was a very bad idea. After a couple months he couldn't handle it anymore and left. She got bed bugs so APS took her out of her apartment. They are not giving him any info as to where she is or what's going on. What happens when APS gets involved?

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Aps called with a court date for Monday but he's not going. He knows he can't take care of her himself so hopefully the state will help her get the care she needs.
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I wouldn't be quite so hard on your husband as JoAnn, but I agree with everything she's explained. He has loused up in a serious way, and it is not surprising that APS are not looking on him with any sympathy at the moment.

Grandma is probably the subject of an ongoing investigation. If he behaves himself and nothing worse than the manifest neglect comes to light, in due course he could apply to them again for information.

If she is made the subject of a guardianship application then someone in the family will need to be told about that. Where are your husband's parents?
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Shelia86 Jun 2019
She doesn't have any other family. Her 2 kids died a long time ago. Her sister has her owe problems and doesn't want to be involved. So she's got my husband that can't deal with it and a granddaughter that's on drugs and she only wants to take her money. I'm hoping the state will put her in a facility that's going to give her the help she needs.
I think you found out. Your DH left a vulnerable person high and dry. To be blunt, he lost the right to know where Gma is when he left her alone. Its like leaving a small child on their own.

Someone called APS and she has been removed from her apt. They probably have temporary guardianship and will go for guardianship. He may be informed when the court date is.

Hopefully, she has been put in a nice LTC facility. Where are this woman's children? At this point, I would just allow APS to do their job. You husband has shown a level of immaturity in handling this situation. Gma should have been transferred to a LTC facility after her rehab stay.

Be on guard, hopefully you never become sick because u won't be able to depend on this man.
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Shane1124 Jun 2019
Very well stated JoAnn
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