I have depression--it causes me to become fixated on various things. Here is the latest. I have a 1/5 chance of dying before my mother. Well, after that, who looks after her? Who looks after my daughters? Does anyone else obsess over this? Has anyone found an answer?
I know you are going through a lot and there is a lot on your shoulders. Maybe a social worker might be able to help ease your mind. Or having some legal papers drawn up. I hope a trusted friend or family member will come forward to act on your behalf and support your daughters if that were to happen.
Thinking of you.
In theory, it sounds fine. In practice, I can't imagine them managing without me.
Your biggest concern should be your children. How old are they? Are they adults and independent? If so, then you don't have to worry about them. You've done your job as a parent. If your children are minor, it is IMPERATIVE that you have life insurance for yourself with them as the beneficiaries, so that if you die, they have money for food for rent, or pay off the mortgage, and money to go to college. My husband and I both have $500,000 TERM life insurance policies which will be in effect until our kids are in their mid 20s when they are old enough and should have a job to support themselves. Don't buy WHOLE life insurance, it's expensive and not necessary. It's TERM life insurance that you need. Also, name someone you trust to be a guardian for your children if you die when they are still minors.
I tried to reach out and explain I am having burnout and depressed - nnow experiencing chest pains - they all ridiculed me and empathized w my poor parents having to be old and me as the useless caregiver - indicating I am trying to elicit sympathy where none is warranted.
I am sick of hearing social media urging the depressed to ask for help because many have been shamed or guilted to ask for help. I speak up and I get chastised.
My heart goes out to you as I truly empathize - hugs