
She has called me three times over the last month thinking that there is something that she’s supposed to be doing, but she can’t remember what it is. She sounds disoriented and it’s as if she was sleeping (which she denies) but isn’t quite awake. The longer we talk the more lucid she gets. What is going on?

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She's 96.
Helpful Answer (2)

My Dad was disoriented when he first woke up because of the artery in his neck was clogged. Not enough Oxygen to the brain. He was OK in about a half hour. She could be having mini strokes. I agree, she needs to see her doctor.
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waytomisery Jun 27, 2024
Yes I thought of that as well about a neck artery occlusion after I posted my answer .
It could be so many things
The only way to determine what is going on is to make an appointment with her doctor. Make sure she goes.
In advance of the appointment you contact the doctors office (use the Patient Portal for secure communication) and let the doctor know that you have noticed these changes...and list the changes you have noticed. Let them know about things that you may have brushed off but looking back might have meant something.
There is no way we could determine what is going on. Particularly since you have given NO information about mom. Age, medical condition and other info that might be helpful.
Helpful Answer (2)

Someone needs to check in on her in person and probably take her to her doctor. This is the only way to answer your question.

My Mom lives next door to me. She's 95. If I got over there or call her, she is often sleeping in her chair and is a little groggy when she wakes up at first. BUT, I wouldn't make the assumption that this is what's going on with your Mom. When was the last time you saw her in person? How far away do you live?

Is anyone her PoA? Does she have a trusted neighbor who can check in on her?
Helpful Answer (1)

Why don't you take her to her doctor and ask these questions as they can run the proper tests to find out what is going on, and as we are just either former caregivers or current caregivers?
Very few of us have medical backgrounds other than what we've learned along the way.
This could be something serious like TIA's, UTI, or even the start of dementia. All of which would need addressing, so please call her doctor today and make an appointment for her to be seen.
Helpful Answer (2)

You don’t list any known medical problems .

So I’m going to guess that …..…
What is going on is she is 96.

At that age there is bound to be some cognitive problems . She also could be having mini strokes ( called TIAs ) .

And she may be napping as well .
It can take some elderly a little time to get reoriented after sleeping .

If she is living alone that should change as she could do something out of the ordinary in a stupor. She may need assisted living .
Helpful Answer (9)
Anxietynacy Jun 27, 2024
I wanted to add if there is some dementia going on, at 96 that's very likely. She might get her dreams mixed up with reality.

An older person I new, was very upset because he read a letter that his sister sent him, that was really nasty. We looked high and low for this letter and figured out it was a dream.
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