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In 2013 we paid $1645.00 for a cremation plan that covers pickup, obituary notice in newspaper and cremation purchased in SW GA.
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Thats pretty much what the costs r here in NJ. If you want a service, it will be more. At my MILs they allowed immediate family and provided a small luncheon for another $1000. That was central Fla.
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Burial arrangements, hospice care, etc.:
To my health care proxy, my family, my physicians, my attorney, any medical facility in whose care I may hereafter be, any individual who may become responsible for my health, welfare or affairs, and to any court having jurisdiction over my person or property:
I hereby direct that, after my death, may bodily remains be cremated, by Hamel Funeral Care & Cremation Service of Massachusetts {prepaid contract}

The basic cost of insurance was under $2000, there were many options a-lacart priced. Be sure to take into consideration related expenses, plot, transportation etc.
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We used a cremation company (as opposed to a funeral home). We bought an average priced urn, the company took care of the death certificates and I think they did the obituary as well. For all of this we paid a little over $1000.
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