
I've tried services that offer free assistance, I've tried my own searches online, but I'm only finding ones that require 2 - 3 years of private pay first.

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He was evaluated last December by Neuro-psychology with onset of Lewy Body Dementia. He is currently in a skilled nursing facility where he went after a fall and trip to the hospital in January. His health overall checks out ok for his age, 84 years, and he is mobile. He can walk on his own, but is reminded to use his walker to avoid falls.

We are finding the staff at his facility now know very little about how to handle the hallucinations, the sense of non-reality (he was upset the other day because he said he missed an appointment. When I asked him which appointment, he said it was a job interview), and he is claiming people are stealing items from his room, which they are not. He doesn't have the items there he says are missing. I just think he would do much better with a staff that is used to dealing with this. Plus he is bored out of his mind there. Most people there are beyond his level of health.
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Doing this (Medicaid funding) when there are two spouses involved is MUCH more complicated.

Have you explained to the MC facilities that your mother is also in a facility?
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Pstracy Jun 2019
Its almost good that Medicaid, at least in WA state, looks at each spouse separately. So both already have Medicaid.
Has your Dad been evaluated by his doctor? And Memory Care was recommended instead of a Nursing Home? Just asking since you say he has mobility issues in your profile. In my area (upstate NY) Memory care facilities are scarce as hens teeth and the resident cannot be wheelchair bound. They must be able to walk to the dining room etc. And they are private pay. Nursing Homes here accept Medicaid and Medicaid Pending and the resident can be in all stages of mobility.
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Memory Care is generally a specialized form of Assisted Living. The big question is, does your state Medicaid program fund Assisted Living?

You can search your State Medicaid site for the answer. You may also be able to get a free initial consult with an eldercare attorney.

Have you spoken to your local Area Agency on Aging? They are often good sources of information.

Another thought would be to call the discharge planning department of your nearest teaching hospital. The social workers there would surely know the answer to this question.
Helpful Answer (3)
Pstracy Jun 2019
Yes, WA Medicaid does pay for care for at AL. My mom is going in to AL on Medicaid. Dad is currently in skilled nursing but he needs memory care. The aides at the SN facility do not know how to deal with Lewy Body Dementia. Mom and dad are better off in different facilities unfortunately. I will try our Area Agwncy for agong, and we do have a teaching clinic here so will try that too. DSHS has a site but all the ones I have called that they have listed as accepting Medicaid have a spend down and that won't work for us.
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