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I take it you're Jewish?   Have you contacted your local Jewish Welfare Federation?    They might be able to help; I've found them to be very resourceful and helpful in my area.

In addition, more information would be helpful.   Are you referring to care at home, or at a facility?   Is your GM the widow of a Veteran?   What are her medical conditions, and is dementia involved?
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You need to contact the Lake County department of services & go through them to apply for Medi-cal. Medi-cal will pay for long term care. You’ll also need to work with the persons doctor on how to get admission to a nursing home unless the person is hospitalized—if they are hospitalized then you talk to talk to the hospital social worker, they will find a facility with a bed and arrange the transfer.
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Who has her POA? Social worker or finance department at nursing home with Medicaid beds will help to complete the Medicaid application.
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Need more information please.
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Anywhere, please be more descriptive and we will tell you how to go about it.
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