
His parents are frail, and our home unavailable. He had his injury 15 or 20 years ago. He's stopped taking his meds. He is paranoid, and things we're taking his things, but he loses them because he's hidden them away for safety. He tends to push peoples' buttons. We have three children in a small house, and it's not safe for him to live here.

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Find Care & Housing

provides a list of places in NM that work with people with head injuries. If this link is deleted, google "head injury placements, Albuquerque, NM".

You can also research "Rehabilitation Institutes, head injuries"; in my state, there are several facilities under this umbrella and affiliated with a major hospital holding company. One of the facilities offers rehab for head injuries. That might be a source of getting him some help, and the therapists there might also be able to advise of good, quality placements for him.

Good luck with your search.
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When he has an outbreak of aggression, call 911 and have him transported to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. Be sure you have the landline number for the police department where your parents live. When they call you for help because he is combative, you call the police to go check on them.
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