
My 90 year old cousin has dementia. He was diagnosed about 4 years ago. He's lived alone for the past 30 years. He hasn't bathed in at least a year, doesn't eat well, won't flush the toilet, has serious incontinence issues and is missing his front teeth. He refuses to go to the doctor and refuses to leave the house. POA won't work since it states that I need a doctors letter stating that he is incapable of taking care of himself. Is there a government agency I can call to do a home visit to get him help or into a nursing home? He shouldn't be living alone and I'm at a loss as to what to do for him.

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Do you know who his doctor is? Have you thought about taking video of him and the condition of his home and him talking and showing it to his/a doctor? If this doesn't work then as stated below you will need to call Adult Protective Services and report him as a vulnerable adult but do tell them your quandry about having PoA but needing a diagnosis to help him. APS can be contacted through his county's Dept of Health and Human Services. If you can't apply your PoA the county will move to get guardianship over him. They will place him in a facility and he will be cared for and you can carry on your relationship, you just won't be privy to his medical or financial information or any of his property. Good luck!
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Find a social worker that can give you some resources
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