
New to this site....I am caring for my mother (92) who lives in assisted living. What is your best source for information? I feel overwhelmed at times

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As you said this website is a great source of encouragement and news. As far as support for yourself, start by seeking out caregiver support groups in your area. They aren't that difficult to find.

As far as help, it seems that you are doing all you can do, but one area you might want to seek out is your local Office of the Aging. Some of them have respite care programs where a family can drop off their loved one for a week to give themselves a vacation.

There are requirements to this but I was amazed when I heard of the program. But it definitely by a good idea to check with your local government office to see if they have some form of respite care so you can take care of yourself for a bit.
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My dad has dementia and alzheimers. He is currently at home. But at one time he was in an assisted living for rehab. We hired a family friend who would go to the unit and sit, and assist with eating, bring laundry...just to give our family a break from the constant worry and need to tend to him. It is amazing what one day away will do to improve your mindset. I have called the hospital and looked on line for agencies in my area for help with my dad. We have hospice and they have told me that once you are in hospice, they follow you wherever you go. Either assisted living or a nursing home. We have an amazing home health aide, a nurse and a social worker who keep in contact with you regularly. This forum has helped me immensely. Even though my mom is the primary caregiver for my dad, my sister, brother and I are a huge support system to her. We have a schedule of taking turns in doing everything extra that needs to be done. I also joined a support group for myself. When you read posts and listen to other people talk, you don't feel so alone. It is a long road...but you do not have to go it alone. I also learned, that when someone truly offers to help, don't be afraid to take them up on it. :)
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