
I had a pretty bad breakdown today. It just seems like this caregiving thing is kicking my butt. I totally understand that they get worse but when I'm having a bad day I tend to forget that. Anyway, my husband and I finally agreed that it's probably best for me to see someone about this. Bless my poor husband's heart. He works almost all day, comes home and has to hear me complain about his parents and take care of them because I'm going crazy. I need counseling. My emotions get to me. I get worked up over small things. I need someone to talk to besides my husband. It's been 3 years since taking care of his parents and I can only complain to him about them for so long...trying to figure out who I should be seeing. A therapist? Psychologist? Counseling? HELP!

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I am not preventing their move back to Utah. We've told her numerous times if she wants to move, then move! She can be a snow bird [live in Alaska for the summer and move to Utah in the winter] but she won't do it without us. She is too dependent on me now since I've been with her for awhile and know exactly how she wants things done.

Talking to mature women at church won't really help because they'll tell me the same thing ALL older, Samoan women tell me: "These are your blessings. I know it's hard but you'll receive blah blah blah because you fulfilled your responsibility towards them." I HATE when people tell me that. It takes every ounce of self control to not roll my eyes.

I'm getting help. My husband has offered to do everything everyone has suggested: put them in a home, hire someone to come here, go part time at his job and stay home with me to help take care of them, and quit his job while I go out and find a job. But they don't sit right with me. I won't be able to face them if we ever did put them in a home. I don't want my husband to resent me in the long run. There's just too many things that won't sit right with me. But we are getting help. There is a distant relative that live near us that has offered help to us numerous times but I've refused because I don't want to impose on anyone's life to make my life a little easier.

Thank you all for your input. It's helped a lot to be able to just vent..and get some sympathy from people in the same position as my husband and I.

God bless you all!
Helpful Answer (2)

Try talking to a mature woman at your church.
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With regards to therapists, it shouldn't matter if they've been down your particular road. Dealing with situations that are insoluable are just that; situations in which there are only "better than terrible" solutions. A skilled therapist doesn't need to have been in a bad marriage, had children, or had elderly parents in order to treat you.

It's about the technique, not about the experience of the therapist. If you say "this is insoluable" and the therapist says "no, it's not", you need to listen to what s/he is saying.

Many years ago, in the middle of a dreadful marriage, my ex's great aunt ruined a very expensive (to us) pot; it was black on the inside and she scrubbed it down to the silver. My ex was livid; somehow, it was all my fault. My therapist said "Barbara, it's a pot; you buy a new pot; it's NOT about the pot". I argued with her that she didn't "get" that it was expensive to us, probably not to her.

In restropect, it was NOT about the pot; it was about his great aunt's passive aggressive behavior and his personality disorder which allowed him to blame EVERYTHING on me. Was it about the pot? No! It was about the dynamics.
Helpful Answer (2)

Bite the bullet, get them in nursing facilities, spend down their assets to zero, and then get them on Medicaid. 40 per cent of all caregivers suffer from depression. It is normal for caregivers to become mentally ill due to the high emotional stress associated with caregiving. Yes, start with PMP, get referral, and get on treatment ASAP.
Helpful Answer (2)

I've started going to one, but I don't think she has experience with care giving, and I think it's important that they KNOW what is going on in your life. The counselor I am seeing is about twenty six and certainly never had to look after an older person.
I also think that any counselor you see needs to also see your husband to let him know what this is doing to you. He needs to hire some respite care, if nothing else.
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See what services are available in ur area. Someone just giving Mom a bath is a big help. Maybe an aide a few hours a day to give u time to yourself. Parents should have SS to set off cost. Sometimes Medicaid will evaluate and tell u if they qualify for anything.
Helpful Answer (1)

Marren listen to why is being told to you. I am having a hard time on some days taking care of my mom and she is easier than most parents. I would think it would be harder with two especially not your own parents. Finding this website and some new friends on it has helped me a lot. We all need to be need to take time for yourself or you will be the one needing care and then what will your husband do?
Helpful Answer (4)

You should see your doctor first, then tell your husband that you are done taking care of anyone but yourself. Should you see a psychologist, therapist, or counselor is the question first asked. I would look into seeing a licensed counselor at your local county counseling agency.
Helpful Answer (1)

It's one thing caring for your own parents, it's quite another when it is your husbands parents. Firstly, caregiving is very stressful even when it's just one person, I cannot imagine having 2!!!!!! I agree that there should be a heart to heart with your husband, the mere fact that he doesn't want to hear you venting at the end of the day when it's HIS parents is just wrong. I would explain to him that this is taking a toll on your mental/physical health and you need outside help. You should not feel obligated to risk your own mental well being for his parents. I take care of my mother with dementia and she lives with my husband and I and believe me, there are days I have meltdowns! But........ she is MY mother and she chose me to be the one out of my other siblings to care for her. Yes, my husband does not want to hear my venting at the end of the day either but I always thought it was because she is not HIS mother. Is it just because men just don't want to be bothered? Is this why the care typically ends up being the females job? I found a caregivers support group close by that I was thinking of attending because I would love to talk to other people that can relate to what our daily lives are like and hopefully get some good insight from others that have experienced the same situations. I figure that's a lot cheaper than going to a therapist! That way, there is also more than one perspective and hopefully different ways of coping. This should not all fall upon you however, you need to speak up to your husband. It takes a large toll on our physical and mental health being a sole caregiver.
Helpful Answer (3)

Marren, I see a lot of myself in you. Feeling that his parents are your responsibility, but Sweetie, they are not! Your young, and Way too young to be taking on such a heavy load! Kriminny, your still a kid, and should be persuing a career, having babies of your own, enjoying friendships, investing in your new marriage!

Some caregivers grow up, seeing previous generations care for elders at home, but times have changed, and you need to change with the times!

Your husband's parents have had a bad turn with their health, and why is that? Did they not take good care of their health in their younger years? I believe that you said your husband is an only child, maybe adopted, and it seems his Mom and Dad have put unrealistic expectations on both your lives! Let me ask you, where are your own parents? Do they feel left out of your life, because you are too busy, caring for his parents? Don't let resentments build!

Perhaps initially, when you first moved up to Alaska, the intent was that you all live together in some form of financial arrangement, but their health got in the way of them being active participants in the general upkeep of the family home, and their finding friends and enjoying their own lives, somewhat separate from yours.

But the time is NOW, you and your husband Must come together to realize that this situation is NOT GOING TO WORK OUT IN THE LONG TERM!

Hubby needs to get on board, go to Marriage counseling, and back you up, if you Ever want to go on, and have a happy and healthy married life together....ALONE!

Go to counselling together, Alone too, if that helps you. But begin your research on finding his parents Low income housing, disabled housing, or Nursing home care, if they are truly in such poor health.

Living separate does not mean that he is abandoning his folks, and once settled, they will begin to find their new normal, JUST AS YOU WILL!

Wouldn't it be great, if you could go to work, find new friends, and see your inlaws on your terms, Enjoying their company, taking them out for the afternoon, dinner, the movies, or just a short visit, to bring them treats?

Do you really think, you can care for a baby, and toddler, while ferrying around your inlaws to their Dr's appointments and treatment? No Sweetie, you won't be able to manage that! There simple is not enough hands, and then you will really Crack under the pressures!

Please do not shortchange your life! You deserve to be happy! Your inlaws once had those same opportunities, and I'll bet if you ask them, they will remember them with joy! You deserve that same Joy!

Time to put YOU and YOUR husband FIRST!


Heck Love, I need to listen to my own advice, so I know it's not easy! Try fast forwarding til they are in their late 80's, and you still haven't had a chance to live! I at least had that chance! Time to get busy!
Helpful Answer (3)

Why don't you try Facebook as a diversion & give you some relaxing time with others? I find it quite restful & it is interesting to get others opinions on things.
Helpful Answer (1)

I went through the same thing for about eight years helping care for and living with my in laws. They were very nice folks but the stress of living like that took its toll. I ended up in family therapy for myself for the last two years we were with them. They passed away. The therapist gave me a safe place to talk it out along with things I could do for myself. My husband only went once so I kept going for myself. It really worked! I went on to do some wonderful things with my life and have the admiration of my husband. Listening to others in the same spot made me realize that the reaction is quite normal and common.
Helpful Answer (1)

Therapist. In most circumstances, psychiatrist is for medication. Look for LPC. Licensed Professional Counselor. Your health insurance will pay for a certain number of visits.
Helpful Answer (1)

Sorry, Maren, what is this? :

"or B) Ask his family for help [but they all live in Utah. I can't ask other people to put their lives on hold for something that is essentially our responsibility]. " And from memory, didn't you also say that the extended family has already offered to help?

That sounds a lot like it is YOU who is preventing their moving back to Utah. Why are you?

Taking care of these two is beyond the capacity of just you and your husband while one of you needs to work full time. What is your problem with allowing the responsibility to pass to other members of their family?
Helpful Answer (3)

Find a caregiver support group. Start by contacting your local Area Agency on Aging for possible leads.
Helpful Answer (1)

Marren, clearly your husband thinks that your caretaking elders is a normal part of life. ( I realize that you meant to type normal and not abnomal). What else does he think is normal that perhaps, going forward, you might not actually agree with? Have you worked outside the home? Do you plan to? Do you have your own friends and outside interests that you have time to pursue?

A marriage is a partnership in which both parties care about the welfare and well being of the other. What part of the fact that you are burning out from this job doesn't he get?
Helpful Answer (4)

You write that your "husband and I finally agreed that it's probably best for me to see someone about this."

What!? He's putting this all off on you!?

He needs to get real. The two of you need marriage counseling where you can address these issues and in particular healthy boundaries.
Helpful Answer (5)

Ah, Marren, I hadn't read past the first 10 responses. Sorry. I see that your MIL needs assistance too.

You say you wonder sometimes if you did the right thing getting married. I think that is a very appropriate question. At least, "Should I have gotten married and gotten myself into this position of caring for two very sick people in my own home?"

And I truly wonder if the kind of counselor you should see is a marriage counselor. Your husband has said that his relationship with his father is more important to him than your mental health or his relationship with you. Are you really OK with that?

His parents would die of a broken heart in a nursing home? Well, first of all they would not. After my mother's health failed to the point we could care for her in a private home we placed her in a nursing home. To our amazement, she thrived! She was content there, in spite of her dementia and mobility problems. Some people adjust more readily than others, but no one dies of a broken heart just because they need the level of care a professional care setting provides.

Your MIL's life revolved around her son before he got married? And she is a difficult person? Oh-oh. I think we are back to your question about whether this marriage should have taken place.

But it did take place. You are putting down roots. You are hoping to have children. Your husband is not a bad or lazy person. He tries to do his share. Presumably you love each other. So I sincerely hope this marriage survives and thrives and grows. I suspect some other arrangement must be made for the care of his parents.
Helpful Answer (7)

What impairments does MIL have that she can't do most of the caring for her husband? Why must you be there all day? You don't mention her health in your profile and I think that is a factor in this situation.

I'm glad you are going to seek counseling. I agree with Barb that getting a good "fit" is most important, and if it doesn't help on the first match, try another counselor.
Helpful Answer (4)

There are other choices that you have not yet considered yet.
You can both work outside the home and earn enough to pay someone to take them to dialysis, and caregive at home.
Helpful Answer (5)

Thinking maybe you wrote the truth the first time:

" I started taking care of them shortly after we were married so this is abnormal part of our marriage".
Helpful Answer (3)

Your husband seems to me to be an exceptionally short sighted and somewhat selfish man. He gives you "choices"? You can give him "choices" too. One might be " it's them or me".

Did you know when you married him that you would be takinghim and them as a package?
Helpful Answer (5)

I have another post on here entitled "Their future vs Our Future". She IS depressed/unhappy because she wants to move back home. But thanks to a lot of members on here, "home" is 10 years ago when she wasn't as sick. There is no way that we can move back to Utah [we live in Alaska]. Okay, well there is a way but my husband and I have planted our roots here..we want to stay here and raise a family together. There is nothing back home for us, besides family who don't really come around except a select few. My husband has a great job up here and we're financially stable. We would not have that if we moved back to Utah.

My husband doesn't want to put them in a home. The only solution he has given me is to either A) quit his job and I go out and work while he stays home with his parents [I doubt I would be able to find a job that gives us the financial security we are accustomed to by now..] or B) Ask his family for help [but they all live in Utah. I can't ask other people to put their lives on hold for something that is essentially our responsibility].

So I feel trapped. My husband does A LOT. Not just things here and there, which he shouldn't anyway because they are his parents but it is just me and him.
Helpful Answer (1)

Maren, the way I see it, you have a choice to make: your emotional and mental health and that of your marriage - or caring for his parents.

It is time to sit down and have a talk with your husband. There is no shame in admitting that you can't do this. Not everyone can be a caregiver, and you are extraordinarily young to be doing this. There is nothing wrong with simply saying, "I can't do this" and seeking help for two very, very ill people who more than likely need more care than you can possibly provide.
Helpful Answer (8)

Re: finding a professional to talk to. I would suggest that you find a doctor that specializes in treating elderly (even though your in-laws are not elderly they have diseases associated with the elderly), schedule an appointment for yourself and explain what you feel you need. The doctor should be able to recommend an appropriate therapist. You can also investigate care manager services. They often have great sources for recommendations for providers of counseling services. Check your health insurance provider to see if they have a list of participating counselors - then start making calls asking about their experience with the type of concerns you have. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)

maren88, moving your inlaws to a nursing home would break their hearts? Ah, what about your hubby's heart if you become one of the 40% of caregivers who pass away leaving behind their loved ones. Those are terrible odds, and something to really think about. Let hubby know about that percent.

There were times that I thought my parents, who were in their 90's, would out live me !!!
Helpful Answer (3)

Maren, would he agree to see a marriage counselor? I think that is what you need now, an independent person who can explain that your breakdown is to be expected when too much is put on your shoulders. Maybe the counselor could offer workable solutions.
Helpful Answer (5)

"Break their hearts"? What does that mean, Marren?

My mom is in a NH. She is in poor health but gets great enjoyment out of people watching, some of the activities, watching the news, reading the NY Times large pront edition and hearing about what her kids and grandkids are doing. It sounds like your inlaws are isolated, stuck at home with no social stimulation at all. I have to ask, do you think you're doing them a favor?

My grandma lived with us when I was a teenager. She was terribly, terrible lonely and would occasionally say tjat to my mom, who would get incensed. Those 10 years of watching grandma's lack of social life and mom's resentfulness ( not to mention the fact that my mom, with two other kids and granma, had little time or energy to pay attention to an adolescent daughter) convinced me that this idea of taking an elder into one's home at all costs was going to be a bridge too far for me.
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Freqflyer, I hope and pray that I'm not left picking up pieces of caregiving after they've gone. But I feel like you're right. I hope you've been able to get some normal back to your life!
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No, no kids yet. Kind of hard to imagine kids with the kind of care they require. I can't imagine my pregnant self bending down to tie his shoes or pick him up when he's fallen. I'm 28 and my husband is 27. Fairly new to this still and "young" I guess. My husband only gets Sundays and wednesdays off. So when he is off, he takes care of everything and I'm in the background doing everything else. He's a huge help and my stress reliever. No nursing home because it would break their hearts. My husband is close to his dad and I know he'd have a hard time with it. My MIL is a difficult woman and would die of a broken heart; her life revolved around my husband up until we were married. I see my regular doctor next week so I will ask for suggestions then. Thanks again everyone!
Helpful Answer (3)

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