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I meant All I can say
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All I cab say is to do like my DH and I have done. We have made friends with lots of younger couples and people who are nice and giving. We don't just take from them either. We help them out and they help us out. If you are of that kind of mindset, join a church with loving members. They can become your family. Look around for people who need you. Believe me they are out there. Be friendly. Volunteer a lot. It is kind of like looking for a spouse. Got to put yourself out there to meet people. Churches, animal shelters, food banks, clubs, women's shelters are places to meet people. Senior citizen centers.
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First forget about the bad stories that you have heard as those are far and few between.... it's not the norm. And also think of it this way, there are loving and caring workers who come from all income levels. Money doesn't make someone care more than someone without money.

Be thankful that here in the States we have Medicaid to help those who cannot self-pay for care. Oh, old age is not a terminal illness... you could feel old at 80 with no health issues and still live to be 100.

I am an only child who had no children, and who knows if my sig other will be around when I become older. I actually look forward to being in a continuing care facility... to me it will be like a college dorm, but without all the late night parties :) I could make a lot of BFF [best friends forever] while living in the facilities. And if I am still mobile, I could do volunteer work to keep myself busy.
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Whenever there is a bad storm, the TV always reminds people to check on the elderly. So I mentally counted my neighbors, and I realized I was the eldest person on the block. And no one had been here to check on me. So that is what is happening to us baby boomers. The HMO's are doing their best to kill us off and no one is coming to check on us. Not even FEMA.
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