
An older woman called my cell phone and left a message because I wasn't able to take the call. I retrieved the message and called the lady to let her know she had reached the wrong person, else she would be waiting and wondering why this "Bradley" she mentioned never returned her phone call. Now I didn't have to do this, but called her out of courtesy. She immediately took on a "defensive persona," saying I was rude. Why are they so defensive? Anyone have a clue?

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Send: I let that go as soon as the call came in. I don't have the time nor energy for mean-spirited people! And yes, Gershun I did give the woman a second chance, but she did not accept it. Too bad for her!
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Sometimes we forget how stupid we used to be and that we weren't born knowing how to do things so we treat younger people like fools. Sometimes every day is a bad day, especially as you get really old. Sometimes we've been so beat down through life that we strike out first before the other guy can get any licks in. Sometimes we have to be loud and prickly or nobody pays any attention to us at all. And sometimes we just never did give a d*** what anybody else thinks or does and we can't be bothered to try and hide it any more.
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I was just speaking in general terms. Not specifically about that one phone call. She asked why are elderly people snappish. I don't believe all elderly people are snappish and the ones that are............well there could be a lot of reasons. Failing health, bad hearing, loneliness, etc, etc. Or they could just be jerks. Who knows but you'll never know unless and I repeat what I said earlier. Give people a chance.
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Llamalover, There are at least two cliches to cover your experience.
1) Please don't shoot the messenger, and
2) No good deed goes unpunished.
These sayings have been around for a long time for a reason.
So you don't have to feel all alone, grouchy people will always be around.

Gershun, You have a great idea, to give people a second chance!
However, Llamalover has the phone number and if called the elderly woman back,
doubt that smile could be seen over the phone, lol.
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People are people. Rude is rude. If someone is elderly and snappy chances are they were like that when they were young too.

Plus I hate it when people, usually men say to me when I'm walking by, "Smile!"
Hubby always says "Look how miserable everyone looks" Case in point. I was getting my hair done on the weekend. There was this lady there and Hubs says."Oh she looks like a real b@tch" She walked over to pay and I smiled at her and her whole face changed. She gave me this beautiful smile. I turned to Hubs and said "See" People look serious and appear a lot of ways till you get to know them. Give them a chance. You may be proven right but you just may be proven wrong too.
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Captain: No, that is wrong.
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were all nuts . a former employer who had taken some phsycology classes in college brought that to my attention . if any one of us were to visit with a credible shrink , the ink pen would be pounding the clipboard the moment we opened our mouths .
ive worked for the public for 17 years now and i can verify that . ive seen neuroses , paranoia , grandiose behavior , sociopathy , and every other combination of crazy .
its why i only do business by email now . if you change your story halfway thru the job , i will be sending you a copy of the conversation back ..
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Thank you, Brandywine1949 and assandache7!
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People are just so odd. I work and live in an area that has a lot of tourists. We see all kinds. Some real nice, some not so much. This person you called was one of the not so nice. I would have hung up on her the minute she started mouthing off.
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I know young people who are rude! Rude is just rude..
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