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I don't think after all these years your going to change your parents. As my daughter says "you made these monsters". You allowed them to be too much of your life. Once you were an adult and married, they needed to depend on each other not you. Now they are in their 90s you want to back off.

All you need is boundaries for you. They will try to cross them but u stand firm. You should have allowed them to go to an AL.

I think after 100+ replys we have said it all. This is a problem we are not there to help you with.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29
AlvaDeer Sep 13, 2024
I love what your daughter said: Just want to add to it. "You made these monsters. Now they live under your bed."
If you want to know why your mom is afraid in her own apartment, why don't you just ask her instead of asking us? Who better to get the response from than the horse's mouth right?
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to funkygrandma59
funkygrandma59 Sep 13, 2024
Looks like AC removed half of my post which started with....Oh Lord, here we go again, and then at the end something to the effect that the OP needs WAY more help than we can provide, but sadly will never get it because she really doesn't want it.

I have no idea what was so bad about what I wrote that AC felt the need to revise it. I was only speaking the truth.
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"Until my Dad retired and she sat in the car and let him go supermarket shopping etc." Well that is mighty nice of her to let dad go into the store by himself while she sat in the car and waited. If that was the case she could have stayed at home by herself while dad went to the store.

Do you see a pattern here with mom? She cannot be alone and sitting in the car doesn't count.

If your mom wants to pout like a 93 year old child then let her pout. Of course she's going to be moody and upset when you STOP doing what you always do. You aren't being the "good" daughter and by "good" daughter that means as long as you are doing what she wants you are fantastic and when you aren't she gets mean and nasty.

I challenge you to stay in your own home and do not go up there today. Feel all the negative feeling associated with being the "bad" daughter and be OK with that for today.

I wonder how your parents helped you and your husband when you were dealing with your cancer treatments. Did they cook for you, grocery shop for you, clean the house? What exactly did they do for you?
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to anonymous1768885

One more idea; one more thing.
In your last discussion thread RealyReal make the solid good point that you have made a decision, you and your hubby, to live in the same building with your folks, and to be daily involved in their care. And that this "worked" for you, in a sense.

I agree with that up until you express your fears for yourself, your hubby, your stress, your health.

I have a question here: Do you have a friend? Do you have another family member, close or distant, living in your city or cross country? Is there SOMEONE/ANYONE you can talk to daily about the daily concerns you have, whether small or large. Someone just to share with? Or are WE that? And if we are that, are there not some few on your thread (I think of Nacy or Misery offhand) who might have time to chat with you in private messaging? Are you at all a fan of Facebook? So many groups there for likeminded. I mean I belong to Peeling Paint Society. Go figure.

Just want to encourage you, with all on your plate, don't neglect, or do try to find, at least one good friend--whether that be online or in a support group or even in your own family.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I hope that the admins will consider removing this new question to the "Discussions" section, and I hope you'll consider that great thread in future. The admins closed your previous question to comments after some 150 or so responses:

I suspect this closing could be because some of these questions turn to a sort of neighborly chit-chat (which is fine, but more appropriate to "Discussions" imho.)

I think your specific question to us today indicates you're continuing to have trouble making simple decisions for yourself; you've told us a lot about your anxiety, and this is certainly a symptom of anxiety--the inability to make decisions. I think that falls under that "waiting for therapy" you discussed in your last question.
And I think however you choose to handle today's dilemma will work out just fine.

So many of our fears in caregiving surround the fact that they are so elderly (yours in their 90s) that we worry anything could happen at any time. We kind of hover and wait. When folks ask what to expect in caregiving I always say "the unexpected". Your day today started by proving that point.

Sorry Dad is off to get checked again, and mom is anxious. But this is your daily routine more or less. We know how hard it is for you, and you have our sympathy. I hope the day gets better.

I am self-reporting myself so that admins can decide for themselves if you should perhaps consider "Discussions" for this type question now or in future. Take care, Romeo!
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

So, when is your therapy appointment? I think others may be correct, Lisa T's twin.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to MeDolly
AlvaDeer Sep 13, 2024
Romeo's message this a.m. to us makes me think that she badly needs a few good friends. Perhaps MORE than a therapist in all truth, and I say that as someone who often recommends therapy. I think she needs someone to TALK TO just about the daily daily of it all. On her last thread RealyReal made the observation that she should stop listening to all of us and all our opinions of getting parents into care and etc.....that perhaps--just perhaps--her living in the same building with her very aged parents is in some sense WORKING for her.
Today's post DOES make me think that she just really needs to TALK to someone about the day.
I keep telling her I have things to accomplish in my place because I went to Florida for 2 months and then for 2 months have been upstairs helping you. I told her I have a life downstairs and she looks perplexed - she really, really thinks I'm still in her womb! Then she says the most irritating things - I was telling her I'm going to make chinese dumplings and she goes and says Aw - made it for your father - I turned around and snapped at her saying - You know I always make them for him - why wouldn't I know - she answers back - I didn't mean anything by it. Please, she has said things like that all of your life - like my husband and I are so mean to them!
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Romeo13
waytomisery Sep 13, 2024
Stop telling her details . It’s a stall tactic to keep you there. Just say “I have chores “ . Period . Cut out the chit chat . And leave. If she starts asking what chores , just say “ I don’t have time to talk , gotta go “
And GO .

If you are tired of these games , don’t play them , leave .
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