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That would depend on your situation, and where you live. Does anyone else live in the home with him? Is his wife still living? Are you in a state that provides a Medicaid Waiver. My mother is in a facility. It is considered "Assisted Living", but also has a memory care unit. Mom has enough funds to pay for a little over a year, with the anticipation that her health stays the same (we have applied for VA Aid and Attendance), and my biggest concern is what would happen when she ran out of money. She is in a "Non-Profit", and they are listed as a "Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Provider". Anyway, Medicaid will look to recover what they can. Google MERP and you will find a lot of information about estate recovery. Good Luck!!
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No, Assisted Living is not the same as a nursing home. You have to prove there are resources for private payment. You put down a deposit. Medicaid does not cover assisted living, so you are evicted if you don't pay.
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