
She is bedfast and has been confined to nursing home for 3 yrs. Her md says that she has chronic pain. Ok, but does high cholesterol meds,high bp meds and some kind of bladder pills treat chronic pain? She is on Ativan, 3 xs a day and also on 2 different pills for Congestive Heart Failure. She does wear a pain patch. We are not asking for Ativan or pain patch to be stopped, but she says she is ready to die. How do we get the dr and nursing home to listen to us? Her cardiologist wanted to put 2 or 3 stents in recently, when she fell and broke her arm. We had to pitch a fit to get that stopped. Oh, and she has a pacemaker and we never wanted that to be inserted either. She gets scared and will agree to any procedure, no matter how extensive.

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Call Hospice and ask for an evaluation. If her MD will certify she has less than six months to live, she can go on Hospice.
He cannot transfer POA to anybody, POA's can only be appointed by the patient.
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She did transfer medical POA to her bro in law. However, he moved and did not update his address or phone # at NH. He did offer to give it up to my sister recently, as he moved away and remarried. Mother is deaf and does have dementia.
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